"Monster Hunter 4" is under development at Nintendo 3DS
At "Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011", the title for Nintendo 3DS "Monster Hunter 4It is now under development.
Nintendo 3DS Conference 2011 | Nintendo
Presentation on "Monster Hunter 3 (Try) G"
Mr. Ryouzo Tsujimoto of Capcom Producer, Inc.
Announced that the release date of the film will be December 10, 2011. And it is revealed that "Monster Hunter 4" which is the latest work of numbering title is under development for Nintendo 3DS.
In other words, the numbering title that was offered for deferred will be shifted to Nintendo 3DS, but it will be awaited for further information on the future separation of "Monster Hunter Portable" that has been released at PSP.
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in Game, Posted by darkhorse_log