It becomes like this when designing cell phones, music players, etc. like 30 years ago design

From the progress of technology and the change of preferences, the design of the thing will change according to the times, but the visual that the digital appliances are made with the likely design in 1977 will be like this will be released I will.

Square angled exteriors are also dangerous, but they have a tasteful atmosphere.

Details are as below.
ALT / 1977: WE ARE NOT TIME TRAVELERS on the Behance Network

A music player drawn by Alex Varanese. It is finished in a reddish retro printing advertising style.

Metal dials and displays with decided display content, such as the atmosphere at all.

Notebook PC. The outer frame of the display is large, I use a trackball rather than a touchpad.

Mobile game machine. By the way, Nintendo's portable LSI game "Game & amp; WatchIt was released from 1980.

Soft cassette type software seems not to be suitable for mobile.

mobile phone. Feeling like a transceiver, it has become quite thick, but it has become a foldable type.

The distinctly uneven dial button is inconvenient in terms of size, but it also has the merit that the button can be identified relatively easily even if the eyes are closed.

in Design, Posted by darkhorse_log