Know about coffee There are no losses 15 Tips

From the things most people know about coffee lovers, even websites that teach about 15 coffee beans knowledge to unexpected truths that seems to be unlikely to know even people who can not live without coffee I'd like to introduce_______ There is no knowledge that does not cause loss without knowing, but it seems that there is no loss even if you know it.

Details are as below.15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee - The Oatmeal

This is a web comic whose title is "About thirteen things to know about coffee with no loss". The first knowledge is "All started with a dancing goat".

The shepherds of Ethiopia are said to have noticed the effect of caffeine only after seeing the dancing of the goats who ate the coffee cheese.

Initially coffee was not drink but food. The African tribe seems to have eaten making 'Energy Ball' mixed coffee with fat.

The emergence of Muslim greatly contributed to the spread of coffee. The teachings of Islam banned drinking, but because coffee was accepted.

All the coffee in the worldTropic of CancerWhenTropic of CapricornIt is produced in "Bean belt" between. Coffee grows only in the state of Hawaii in the United States. In the case of Japan, the Tropic of Cancer passesMinamitorishimaWhenOkinotorishimaAs it is between, of course coffee depends on imports.

In 1675 the King of England (Charles II) As "a place where people trying refuge gather"Coffee houseProhibited.

70% of the coffee consumed in the world is mild and fragrant "Arabica", the remaining 30% is "Robusta species" which is 1.5 times more caffeine than Arabica.

The coffee tree grows to a height of 30 ft (9 m) when left alone, but it is cultivated to a height of about 10 ft (3 m) for easy harvesting.

The "beans" of coffee is actually a part of "seeds" wrapped in flesh of red berry like this.

Coffee is the second largest trading item in the world. By the way, the first is oil. Humans are like black creatures in black and muddy liquids.

The red fruit of the harvested coffee is dried, peeled, and it makes it only in green beans (seeds).

The coffee transported in this green bean condition is roasted at 500 degrees F (260 degrees C), and after a few minutes it pops like a popcorn and becomes about twice as big. Then after a few more minutes you can start again, it will be in the state of "coffee beans" that you sell at the shop.

George Washington invented instant coffee.

……But,The first president of the United States"Is not me, you can read it properly,Delaware RiverAcross the countryCrane fistI'm going to kill you. Instant coffee is said to have been invented in 1906 by a Belgian living in Guatemala named George Washington.

"Espresso" is not the name of a particular bean type, roast, blend, but the name of the coffee 's name of "Pass hot water pressurized finely ground beans".

How to drink a variety of espresso. "Caffe latte" and "cappuccino" are familiar in Japan, but it may be undamaged that you should know also "Breve" which is mainly drunk in the USA (replacing half of caffe latte's milk with cream).

"Americano" diluted espresso began when US soldiers unfamiliar with drinking Europe's deep coffee asked during World War II. One cup of coffee as "cup of joe"G. I. JoeIt is said that US military soldiers like that originated from the image established during the Second World War that coffee is swallowed.

Commentary on how caffeine "works". Living in the brainAdenosineIs associated only with a specific receptor (receptor), but when adenosine and adenosine receptor stick together, humans become sleepy.

But when caffeine comes in there, the receptor that is being sentenced to "forget about such a bored guy" is stuck with caffeine by saying, "I did not like something from the beginning" and adenosine is stuck alone To ....

I noticed thisPituitary glandMisunderstood as "an emergency!"Adrenal medullaTo "AdrenalinePlease put out, let's go out fast. " IncidentallyDopamineThe concentration seems to rise as well.

The result is "caffeine · high".

By the way, this web comic is summarized in a posterThe OatmealIt is on sale at the site of.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log