UQ WiMAX is dwindling to doubling base stations and speeding up service, and in the future it will be down to 330 Mbps maximum

todayUQ Communications who made the first anniversary commemorative presentation of serviceHas doubled the base station of its mobile service "Mobile WiMAX" at a stretch.

In addition, the speed of service is also increased, and it seems that in the future it will reach a downlink maximum of 330 Mbps, which is overwhelmingly higher than the current maximum downlink of 40 Mbps.

Details are as below.
One year's walk of UQ WiMAX. At the time of paid service start (July 1, 2009), the number of base stations was 1,500, whereas 1 year later on July 1, 2010, the number of base stations nationwide will be 9000.

In fiscal 2010, we will further accelerate the construction of base stations. In base station constructed in 2009, it was 7013 stations, but in fiscal 2010 we built another 8000 stations, totaling 15,000 stations.

Moreover, in addition to increasing the effective speed by applying further tuning of the system etc., in the end, by introducing the latest standard "IEEE802.16m", it seems to be impossible to have a maximum of 330 Mbps of downlink and 112 Mbps of uploading It is said to achieve communication speed.

The official page of UQ WiMAX is from the following.

UQ Communications Corporation - GET WiMAX GET FUTURE

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in Coverage,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log