Japan's pornography consumption ranks third in the world in the world, a graph showing the massively growing online porn industry

The internet pornography industry has grown quickly because of the ease with which anyone can view it anytime, anywhere, and it also happens that the online porn site 'YouPorn' has a major impact on traditional porn video sales. However, I tried to collect various figures related to such a huge emerging industry.
Details are below.
The Stats on Internet Pornography-Online MBA

Of all the sites on the web, 20,464,417,172 sites are pornographic. This is 12% of the whole.
28,258 people watch pornography for $ 30,75, 64 cents (about 280,000 yen) per second.

In America, 40 million people browse pornographic sites on a daily basis, and one in three women. Seventy percent of men between the ages of 18 and 24 see pornographic sites at least once a month.

The online porn industry in the United States is a huge industry that earns $ 2.8 billion and $ 4.9 billion worldwide.
8% of all emails exchanged per day, indeed 2.5 billion including pornography.

25% of searches performed daily by search engines are 68 million pornography related.

It can not be determined whether it is number-based or capacity-based, but 35% of all downloads are pornography-related.

The top of the pornographic image search query is 'sex', then 'adult encounter' and 'pornography'.

The top number registered for online porn sites in the United States is Utah, where there are 5.47 applications per 1000 households.

It is said that 34% of users have been triggered by unwanted pornographic images, such as pop-up advertisements.

The number of searches for 'child pornography' is 116,000 daily.

The average age to see online pornography for the first time is 11 years old. Do you say that aging is progressing?

20% of men and 13% of women said that they have seen pornographic images while at work. The average visit time per session was 6 minutes and 29 seconds.

It is

There are other statistical results as well. Items that overlap with the above are omitted.

Only 3% of adult content is properly age-certified.
10% of users of pornographic websites say that they are pornographic addicts.

Of the $ 97 billion porn market in the world, Asia is the top three. Japan is the third largest after China and Korea, consuming about $ 20 billion.

The top pornographic sites in America are

The annual rental number of pornographic videos in the United States is about 800 million.

The annual income of pornographic actresses is $ 100,000 ($ 9,600,000) to $ 2,500,000 ($ 23,000). The number of actors is much less and averages $ 40,000 (about 3,670,000 yen).

By the way, it is

Of course, it is not always glamorous, and 15 new sexually transmitted cases are reported weekly by the pornographic workers.

It is not uncommon for heterosexual men to play homosexuals and earn income.

Also, on this site, porn site publishers have published search word rankings by country, as determined from IP addresses. By the way, it seems that there are many people who search for adult actress Kyla Cole from Japan. In addition, terms such as 'hentai' and 'anime' such as adult animation related terms can also be seen from now on, making it clear that 'There is no border on erotic'.
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