Sofmap launches extended warranty "premium warranty", although the guarantee content is improved but also the amount of money to be paid is impossible

Sofmap, which provided the extended warranty service "Sofmap Perfect Warranty" which guarantees even the damage which accompanies the fall and fire as one of the best electronics mass retailers,"Perfect" has been renamed to "Sofmap Warranty" which has fallen out, and the service has been greatly worsenedWe announced in March, today "Sofmap Warranty" was further revised, a new extended warranty service "Premium warranty"Was introduced.

It seems that it has become a content that can be expected very much, such as offering a plan that responds to malfunctions due to fire, damage, water wetness, etc. If you join how it is done, It is an unlikely amount.

Details are as below.
Sofmap Premium CLUB was born! |

According to Sofmap's official page, we are offering a new extended warranty service "Premium Warranty" for premium CLUB members as we begin "Sofmap Premium CLUB" from today.

Premium warranty offers three types of "plan L value / premium value" and "plan M / premium" "plan S / standard" according to the guarantee contents, the target product is sold at more than 10,000 yen specified by Sofmap Household appliances such as personal computers, peripheral devices, televisions, digital cameras and game machines, reuse products, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines.

The premium is like this. "Plan L Value" starts from 200 yen per month, "Plan M" charges from 100 yen per month, the burden at the time of purchase is 0 yen. "Plan S" is not a monthly charge, but it is in the form of paying a premium at the time of purchase.

The worrisome content is like this. "Plan L Value" and "Plan M" are 5 year warranty (some 10 years, free of charge from the 5th year onwards), we will respond to failures due to falling etc. However "Plan S" is 3 year warranty Not compatible with falling faults. Besides "Plan L Value", 30% self-payment will be incurred when repairing.

By the way, "Plan L Value" and "Plan M" need to keep paid every month for five years (60 months), the conditions for cancellation are as follows. When canceling "Plan L Value", please be aware that a cancellation fee (preferential treatment of 70% at the time of replacement) will occur, with monthly charge multiplied by remaining number of months × 80%.

In addition, when I asked the staff at the store in Sofmap, only when contracting "Plan L Value", it seems that price cuts will be made according to the purchase price.

Sofmap Tennoji store. Special corner of "Sofmap Premium CLUB" is set up.

The item discount amount and the premium list of "Plan L value".In case of purchasing merchandise of 10,000 yen or more to less than 20,000 yen, the premium will be 200 yen per month (12 years in 5 years), the discount amount will be 5000 yen, the total amount of the premium will be 7000 yenIt will be. Also,In the case of purchasing a product of 30,000 yen, since the premium is 36,000 yen in 5 years and the discount amount is 15,000 yen, the total amount of money to be paid is 21,000 yenTo the calculation that.

IncidentallyIf you cancel a contract at 12 months after purchasing a product with a contract of "Plan L Value" to purchase from 10,000 yen or more to less than 20,000 yen, 200 yen × 12 months + 200 yen × 48 months × 80% Payment of yen occurredIf you add 5000 yen discount amount of goods, the actual amount of premium will be calculated as 5080 yen.

Somehow it is complicated like the mobile phone's rate plan, but "Sofmap Perfect Warranty" the premium at that time, 1000 yen if the purchase price more than 10,000 yen ~ less than 20000 yen, more than 150,000 yen ~ less than 200,000 yen Even if it is 10,000 yen (According to GIGAZINE October 2008), It can not be helped to say that the premium is too high, and even discounts on goods can not help but be regarded as 'water to the rocks' ... ....

in Note,   Coverage, Posted by darkhorse_log