Special talk show of voice actor "Konishi Katsuyuki / Onozaka Masaya" who showed a light talk like a comic combination in Tokushima
It was held in Tokushima, and this time the 3rd Anime event "Gusset ★ Asobi". Last time it was known for the role of Yoshiya Kono of 'Katekyo Hitman REBORN!'Takashi Kondo, a voice actor, performed live with talkThis time, a talk event was held by Mr. Katsuyuki Konishi who is acting as role of Lloyd of "Tales of Symphonia" series and Mr. Masaya Onosaka of Zero of the same work. My main business is a voice actor, but with a mild talk, I showed up as if I was a comic dialogue, and I was boiling the gathered guests.
Details are as below.
【EVENT】 Konishi Katsuyuki / Onozasa Masaya Special Talk Show | Matthias Sovi
Mr. Onozaka Masaya (left) and Mr. Katsuyuki Konishi (right) appeared.

Mr. Konishi talks about the goodness of Tokushima "Air is nice". Although he seems to have interviewed Tokushima Television, he seems that the camera was pointing in the wrong direction while answering why.

The talk show was held at Shinchochabashi East Park. It was supposed to be amazing at a crowd.

YouTube - Mr. Konoyuki Konishi and Masaya Onozaka talking about the merit of "Gourd wand tour boat"
There are many people before the stage, but there were visitors also at the bridge and the opposite shore.

Mr. Onozaka trying to make Mount Bizan climb as Mr. Onozaka as "what I want to do when coming to Tokushima." When asked to the customer "Someone who did not want to climb twice?" There was a person who gave hands with chirahhora, but Onozaka who said that he has confidence in his physical strength is "Mr. Onosaka cool! "OK, let's climb" to cheering such as.

To climb Mt. Bizan and do what to do, to the talk live to Toyaki Aiki took place in the 1st. Although Konosaka-san asked, "Because there was not any response from the customer," we also went out like "K-on!" Mr. Konishi said.

"But I'm watching" K-on! "So I am OK," said Mr. Koso Nozaka. Mr. Konishi seemed to have seen it by chance, and he was talking "It was fun ...".

Two people waving their hands each time "Gourd island roundabout" passes behind.

YouTube - Mr. Katsuyuki Konishi and Masaya Onosaka meeting Hatsune Miku on a round trip
Two people show a breathable appearance such as gesture and hand gestures.

Mr. Matsunaga of Frontier Works who was invited to two people as a lady who inserted paper because it was a theme talk paper "not slipping". I was supposed to excuse himself, "I wanted to hear the story that the two were not slipping."

About Mr. Konishi who touches the Tokushima appeal as "the air in Tokushima is beautiful (laugh)" about recently impressed. Mr. Onosaka said "Badlands Rumble theatrical version of TRIGUNEven if I saw it three times I said I could cry.

Mr. Konosaka is acting as a leading actor of theatrical version of TRIIGAN, Vash the stampede, but Mr. Konishi is attacking with a blur that intentionally makes a mistake with "Vash the Stamping!" However, Mr. Onozaka who was mistakenly named for his staff was a bit sorry.

YouTube - Mr. Masaya Onozaka with Ms. Konishi Konishi who talks about if there are lots of hope
At the end was the exit while touching with the customer.

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