Source fountain for chocolate fountain for skewered cutlets appears, people who can swarm in sources

The huge menu earlier in the heap of popular heaping Abra Guttigo "Oru Boo Dojo", as part of that it was the source fountain for kushikatsu which is not this chocolate fountain actually. The person in charge said, "I thought that the source can not circulate like chocolate well up to the day before, so I wonder what I should do! Ha ha!RyoshokuThe employee of "Sengoku warlord Burger" is good, it is good as the OBARO Dojo, I understand well that all the head screws are blowing away somewhere.

As the crowd became a crowd and the length of the matrix was folded back, the appearance of the source fountain was so successful that people at the front Yamazaki bread booth got stuck at this scary face.
How to enjoy Obabo Dojo

There are plenty of people.

The reason is the kushikatsu in Obabo Dojo. The finest lard for cooking "Camellia lardIt is free, and it is free.

Kushikatsu full

It is here that everyone is flooded with us

Various sources, various fountains

Aurora Source Fountain

Cutlet Sauce Gold Fountain

This is Cheese Sauce Fountain, Cheddar.

Things like cheese fondue

Let's eat the kushikatsu with sauce like the following with sauce.

YouTube - Source Fountain for Kushikatsu

We have various seasonings as well

Even so, it looks very good ... As a matter of course, it was banned twice.

in Coverage,   Video,   Junk Food, Posted by darkhorse