Exactly super mushrooms, super gigantic mushrooms "Giga Mash"

When I say mushrooms,Curry MarcheAlthough it tends to imagine a small and killing thing as it is contained in, it turned out that there was a huge mushroom indeed. Its name is "Giga Mash"From the name, it makes me feel the size of gigabyte classes.

I did not mutate by applying something radioactive and did not do it well, but it seems to become huge if I grow up the normal mushrooms well without harvesting as they are.

Details are as below.
WAQ TRADING limited company Wakyu Trading - Mushroom specialty -

First of all, I see common ones and from the size of the mushrooms that I eat well. This is "tokachi mash".

Make it bigger and more "Tasty Mushroom". It is this size that you put in a hamburger style.

And this is Super Giant Mushroom "Giga Mash"

Size Comparison

I actually had this visible thing, but in fact it weighs 4 kilos.

Giga mash is said to be wholly distributed mainly in restaurants and the like. It seems that it is difficult to grow into a clean shape, it is a kind of trouble that it can not be provided constantly, so there is a rarity value, and "I got Giga Mash today ... well ..." as a regular customer There are also cases that are used to put out.

White giga mash and brown giga mash. The original bacteria are different, white type is mellow taste, Japanese style is OK, Brown variety is strong scent and rich flavor.

A group of mushrooms. Even if you say a mushroom, there are various sizes and types.

I brought it in my hand. Atmosphere like huge shiitake mushroom.

Viewed from the side.

As for how to eat, it seems to be delicious if you bake it like a hamburger in a frying pan as it is.

In addition, because the taste does not fall because it is big, rather it tastes like that mushroom mushrooms, so if you like mushrooms you can taste it.

in Coverage,   Food, Posted by darkhorse