Wild too much motorcycle using one whole crocodile skin "GatorBike"

There are various ways to enjoy bikes, but there will not be any eye-catching bikes like this. If you ride this 'GatorBike' with one whole crocodile skin, it is tough, wild and outlaws, and it is also a prize for an animal welfare organization's charity, so you may be able to produce an image that is friendly to animals.

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This "GatorBike" is an animal welfare organization in FloridaWROHWhat made for charity. Florida states that the number of wild crocodiles has increased too much, so it seems to be disposing a certain number every year, but I think of bikes using these crocodile skin for decoration by wasting their lives just by killing It is said that.

The engineUltima ProductsCompany's custom products. The crocodile skin painting has been applied to fine parts such as the swing arm and the lower part of the frame, and the cost that it took is about 80,000 dollars (about 7,360,000 yen).

It seems that a speed meter is embedded in the skull.

Jim · Jablon, an administrator of WROH, is seeing Albino's Burmese Pier. WROH has been keeping as a pet, but protects outdoor animals that have been thrown away, and if possible we are doing the activity of returning to nature.

WROH sells tickets to participate in the lottery for this motorcycle for only 1000 sheets for 100 dollars (about 9200 yen). In May, it is said that Amara Tamura, a fashion model, goes to pick up the lot at the bottom of the pool full of crocodiles, and this time the lottery seems to be held in various ways.

in Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log