Is it a witch's work? Odd successive incidents that horse mane is knitted occur

In the past few months, we heard that strange incidents occurred in the southern part of the UK where horse mane was woven like three braids without the owner's knowledge.

StonehengeIt is relatively near, still nowWickerAnd Neo ·Druid(Neo-druidism) AndPaganismIt seems that the investigation authority is thinking that these woven knits have magical meaning, as it is in the province in which local worship (pre-Christianity natural worship and polytheistic belief) is practiced.

Details are as below.Horse mane weaving incidents 'caused by Pagans', police believe - Telegraph

This strange caseDevonNearbyHemyock·Culmstock·ClayhidonYaExeter,Dorset,SomersetIt seems that even a part of it has happened and nearly 20 have been reported in the past 3 months. Although the mane was only knitted and the horse was not harmed, the puzzle and concern are rising among the owners, and it seems that there are areas where watchdog numbers are set up about.

It is woven like a braid. It seems that a little girl seems to be doing it, but apparently it is not a child's mischief.

In the beginning police initially thought that it was marked for theft by an organized criminal. However, because the horses that were actually stolen or missing have not come out, other possibilities have been examined, and now the investigators are now in the process of "witches" who do "Knot Magic (knitting magic)" It is suspected that she is not. Peaganism gods have strong links with horses, it seems that spells are thought to be strengthened by using horses.

CullomptonRegional section chief Jeff Howley police said the incident is embarrassing the local police. "The motive is enveloped in darkness, initially thought that it was a marker for theft, but it is obvious that it is not so"

"One of the possibilities emerging from the investigation of the Dorset station that is also investigating is whether woven knitting is a ceremony of Paganism, it is difficult to judge at the moment, but we need to consider every hypothesis," Howley police .

Sarah Bloor, regional assistant policeman in Pennsylvania, Devon, said, "Anxiety is increasing among the stables, so far there is no real theft and the possibility that it is of a different purpose can not be ruled out"

We started a watch on local horsesTaunton Vale HarriersAccording to Jenny Parsons of the hunting club, it seems that a small group of people who communicate with each other via the Internet SNS is practicing the maid mane of horse manga.

"People sleeping in stable are also coming out, but they are not safe or wise, so we can not recommend it at all," Parsons said. "The ceremony of Paganism is a possible story, there are reports that the character of a horse has changed, if it was done to a pony where children ride, it is really terrible."

There are no one arrested so far. A man aboard a blue Peugeot 306 shooting a picture of a horse in the Hemyock area of ​​Cullompton, Devon, was said to have been witnessed last week.

If it is really a witch's work, it is a place to wonder what is the purpose of magic.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log