The virtual currency's affair is stolen by 900 million yen, the fourth damage in July


The first name to hear "virtual currency" is "Bitcoin (bit coin)However, it is the one that raises the evaluation on the eel here for a while "Ethereum"is. For excavation alreadyElectricity of a small country is used for one countryAlthough it is said to be an Ethicalam, how it is in July of 2017 it is damaged by four virtual currency thieves, and the fourth damage is stolen worth 8.4 million dollars (about 940 million yen) .

Hacker Steals $ 8.4 Million in Ethereum (4th Heist In A Month)

A financial platform that enables individuals and corporations to conduct contract transactions at banks without specialists "VeritaseumWas done onICOBy hacking, the hacker stealed the equivalent of 8.4 million dollars. The method of hacking an ICO is similar to the following incident similarly occurred in July 2017.

Incident occurred when hackers intercepted about 780 million yen worth of funds raised using virtual currency "Etharium" - GIGAZINE

On July 23, Veritaseum announced that hackers stole the equivalent of 8.4 million dollars equivalent when ICO. Veritaseum received the incident, "Although the hacking method seemed to be very sophisticated, at least some partner companies could be responsible, Reger Middleton, founder of Veritaseum, About this case in the BitcoinTalk forumConfirmationI have made a statement that "I did it."

According to Mr. Middleton, the hacking attack targeting the recently occurring Enterprise is "not important" and it says that some partners may be responsible for the attack. Middleton pointed out that demand of VERI token was high when hacked ICO, hackers steal this VERI token, and I guess that the stolen Eliaryam was sold instantly .

ByMarco Verch

Also, Mr. Middleton said, "Of the tokens that are issued one million, about 37,000 are stolen by hackers, which is a confusing situation but not the end of the world." "Tokens are from us It was stolen and the buyer's token was not stolen, "he stressed that there was no direct damage to ICO investors.

In addition, although Veritaseum stolen the equivalent of 8.4 million US dollars, the security team seems to have taken security measures to prevent attacks in advance.

in Security, Posted by logu_ii