Popular painter Nishimata Ao appeared in the sports newspaper as a girls illustration field representative

From 2008 to 2009JA Moe rice riceAs well as Mr. Aoi Nishimata, a popular masterpiece illustrator who took over Joe's Moe Moe product illustration and also picked up in various media, became a representative of the beautiful girlsNikkan SportsI adorned the page of the paper.

It was not picked up in the article that "This kind of moe illustration seems to be prevalent", but "Thinking of manga 2010It was the appearance in a form to serve as a bird of the project called "the god".

Details are as below.
Nikkan Sports issued on January 6. The one that decorated one side is the news that Masters invitation went to Ryo Ishikawa.

Nishimata's article is published on page 19.

This is a planning article titled "Manga Families 2010", Nishimata decorated a bird. Nishimata isTop Illustrator of Bishoujo illustration circleIt is introduced as. In fact, in addition to JA related products, we also worked on drafts and character designs "Love doll"Has been animated as a media mix in 2006, and in 2009 it was ordered by George LucasOne of 100 illustrators from all over the world to participate in the Star Wars Memorial Art CollectionWe are doing nothing wrong even if it is called top illustrator, etc.

About publication, Nishimata himself "Although it was drawn in color, although it became monochrome due to the space of the paper, it was larger than I thought and it was a little confused wwwComment. In the article I wrote that collaboration products are going to appear in various places in 2010 as well, but will I release many Nishimata-san illustration products as well?

Published in "Nikkan Sports" newspaper! | Miety's LifeDiva

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