Following "Matsuya" and "Sukiya", "Naka ​​Uta" also cuts beef bowl

Following the price revision of "Matsuya" of the big beef bowl chain store,"Sukiya" also carries out price revisionsWe decided to price down, but now "Naka" will revise the price of some products from 11 o'clock on Monday, December 21 (Monday), beef bowl and set items will be cut down .

Details are as below.
Dec. 21, 2009 Notice of Price Revision

According to the release, it is said that it was offered at a new price in order to have more people enjoy set products unique to Naka, and price reductions have also been done for single item beef bowl.

Revised price. While Mini and Omiyaru cut price by 20 yen, Amusement Ryu is a price cut of 40 yen.

Set items to the following price.

So, as of December 21, 2009, the price of the beef bowl sashimi of the beef bowl chain store, in order of cheap,Sukiya (280 yen), Matsuya (320 yen), Naka urch (350 yen), Kobe Turpente (380 yen), Yoshinoya (380 yen)It became a form.

Yoshinoya "It is impossible as an idea that our company that adheres to taste easily respond to price cuts of other companies in the same industry"Although it shows a tendency to give priority to taste rather than price, will the price competition of the chain store end here?

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log