Adult ginger ale shining glittering "LOVE MODE GINGER" tasting review
Speaking of December for Christmas, I think that there are a lot of excuses for people who can not be helped and who can not be questionable why such an event will be held, but Suntory said "I feel love feeling for Christmas "Love mode ginger" started selling on November 24 (Tue) by saying that "carbonated drink of adult growing up". The label treats the logo of pink lameness as large as black as a base, it adopts the bottle of diamond cut style, and it is becoming the product of the image which is wholly sparkling image.
I regret to say that I have not gotten a feeling yet, but I bought it because I had a different appearance at convenience stores and tried drinking it.
Review from below.
Love Mode Ginger Suntory
A flashy label and another carbonated drink are different colors and very noticeable.
For adults, it's caloric zero.
The part peeling off the label is printed with fastener style. It is fashionable.
Raw materials are fragrance, acidulant, sweetener, preservative, anthocyanin pigment.
Even if I remove the label it is somewhat glittery.
The taste is as sweetener flavor, as it is in the raw material, since fruit juice etc. are not contained. If it is just a carbonated drink, the color is also beautiful and there is no particular complaint, but it is very regrettable that the ginger flavor is weak as it is stated as "ginger".
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in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt