Attack fake iPhone on the ground and see people's reaction Mischievous Movie

An iPhone with an eye-catching touch panel arranged on the front side. Although I am interested, it seems that there are many people that I can distract from using unique designs, etc, but if such an iPhone has fallen on the ground people seeing what kind of reaction it will do Itazura movie It is done.

Details are as below.
Put adhesive on the back of the main body and place it on the ground. What to useIPhoneDummy.netFake iPhone for $ 19.95 (about 1800 yen) sold at.
YouTube - The Super Glue iPhone Prank - 2009 Wired Store NYC (Shot on an iPhone 3 gs and OWLE bubo)

I am putting in front of the Apple store. It is not amusing to mistake it as lost.

It was a woman who was first fooled by a fake iPhone. The person walking together is laughing.

Some people try to confirm until they drop their belongings.

After being caught, it is a nice guy who is calling a gimmick "nice!"

A woman who succeeded in successfully pulling off from the ground.

I was showing the strength of taking iphone.

Start changing it again and start mischief. Children are challenging.

Finally I pulled off with a tool. I can see that the women who took by hand were quite amazing.

This movie was filmed with a real iPhone using "OWLE" movie shooting accessories,Official siteIt is sold at 129.95 dollars (about 11,000 yen).

Explanation of "OWLE" You can see how the iPhone is used in the movie.
YouTube - OWLE Bubo Tour: What's in the Box

in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log