SOFTBANK MOBILE offers a new price plan to counter au's "GUNGAN Mail" where mail transmission and reception is free, but does not follow the "designated call fixed amount"

KDDI went on October 19th (Monday)2009 au Autumn / Winter Model Presentationso,An innovative new plan "sending and receiving e-mails free of charge regardless of the size of the destination and attached files with 1095 yen / month" Gangan Mail "Announced that it will start from November 9, but SOFTBANK MOBILE announced the competing plan today.

When SoftBank Mobile started service as "former promise"The policy "to combat the new rate plan of other companies within 24 hours" was reviewed as of January 2008In fact, it did not immediately follow the other company's PC connection flat rate plans etc, but it seems to follow up on this plan.

Details are as below.
Provide New Price Plan "Simple Orange E" | SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp.

According to this release, SOFTBANK MOBILE intends to introduce a new price plan "Simple Orange E" with a basic usage fee of 780 yen as a new price plan from Wednesday, December 16, 2009.

In response to the announcement of "Gangan Mail" rate plan "Plan E Simple" announced by KDDI, this is a competing service offering similar price plans, and joins with "S! Basic Pack" of 315 yen per month By doing so, regardless of whether there is a destination or attachment of photos / movies, S! In addition to being able to use mail free of charge, in addition to incorporating a packet flat-rate service, the monthly fee for using the web will be the maximum communication fee of 4410 yen.

"Simple Orange E" as well as the new KDDI plan states that "Free communication disappears and SMS transmission fee is charged", and we will continue to offer "White Plan" as the main product in the future I will.

This is the new price plan "Simple Orange E"

In addition to KDDI's start of service being delayed more than one month from KDDI, you can talk for 24 hours 24 hours a day with 3 cases designated by 390 yen per month, which is a big advantage of KDDI's "Gangan Mail"Specified call fixed amountIn view of the fact that we can not keep up with the point where it is combined with this, we can not be satisfied with this policy in a sufficient form, which may be a bit disappointing.

in Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log