Headline news on October 23, 2009

African barbie launches in the USAAnd while the voices of pros and cons are going up
Eye share examined "Consciousness survey on dressing dolls"Surprising fact revealed that more than 10% of men played with dressed clothes.

Also, in recent years, it is common to make "Avatar" as an alter ego in Internet services, but about 47.4% of people who have never played with dress up dolls have said they have made Avatar On the other hand, 52.6% of people who have played have answered that more than half made avatar.

So, next MondayOctober 26. On October 26th one year ago, GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

Movie in which a huge truck runs a wheelie - GIGAZINE

Toilet in the world that adds lots of excitement while enjoying a spectacular view - GIGAZINE

Special Moves to Protect Your Pet Car from Theft Various - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Requesting the Imperial Household Agency to consider the "Majesty's thoughts in words" with the Foreign Minister's invitation - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(Politics, comments that I want you to put personal thoughts, not the same words as usual, in the opening remarks of the Diet session)

YouTube - Speech @ Kyoto Univ Yoshida dormitory association officials who give a speech in front of the main gate of Kyoto University(How many universities remain in the school, where you can make a speech at this time?)

Blue Gill, 15 descendants presented to his majesty Proof: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(The creature, the ancestor of Blue Gill of the outpatient fish now breeding now was the prince at that time in 1960 what the Emperor brought back from the United States now)

"I am prepared for it already," the pilot said - learning about realism and defense(The situation that the site must take responsibility for judging whether to engage in battle or not is not sound)

"Hidden real sound" of subordinates who will quit | Human relations studies at work(5 tips to quickly help in adjusting workplace, "human relations" not appearing in numbers)

(Translation) "What is happening is all right" in the US Army - where in flurry.(Military, the battle is meaningful as an experience to grow myself, that the US Army has commented)

China's spy activity seen by the UK intelligence agencies bargains on the net - research of China Co. - Part 30 JBpress (Japan Business Press)(It may be necessary not to do so far in order to combat intelligence, intelligence agencies without obscurity)

About the military journalist Takeshi Kajiji: Weekly Object(Military, non-competent journalists are impeding the maturity of public opinion)

Why do not you play FPS - at the edge of the world(Game, it is also a genre that you can feel free to try because it does not rise in Japan, but many trial versions are out there)

Screenshot of zero gravity shooter "Inversion" released - Game * Spark(The strange feeling emitted by the game, the CG whose ground is vertical is amazing)

"70 years after the death of Lovecraft has passed, Cthulhu myth has reached a terrible point" - Akiba Blog(Moe, the Japanese who makes it a moe character anythingOld rulerIt may be descendant of)

Reading is a topic that scare the devil "Teddy" lurking in Gay Love Plus(It is too scary even though CG of the movie as I go to see games and horror movies on dating)

Everyday YOUGI: What is "a mischievous" that Gimmer's gesture he proposes to her? - ITmedia Gamez(Movie, remodeling Rom and putting a propose message in "Super Mario World" to make her play) Mischievous)

Overseas gamers list up "the most momentary moment in the game" | Inside(Game, "Karateka" proceeding to the left from the start point and no out is included)

Giant | Presents | The 57th All Japan Kendo Championships(Voice wearing, speech uttered when famous athlete releases the technique is set as a calling voice and under download service)

Feel free to taste professional baseball player feelings | nanapi [Nanapi](Sports, about 500,000 yen when borrowing the ground of Tokyo Dome)

Adopted in Japan's spacecraft approach technology, unmanned boat of rice: News: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Science, the unmanned spacecraft docking technology reported in the replenishment mission to the ISS of the other day was also adopted for the American unmanned ship)

Maido No. 1 became "a new star" - ITmedia News(Science, the last image sent from No. 1 satellite in satellite "Higashi Osaka made" which will be suspended)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): List of all Japan Airlines domestic routes by flight route - Society(Traffic and regional flights are often less than 50%, but are there alternative maintenance modes after discontinuing this?)

Developed a device that "can see sound" Chubu Electric Power - MSN Sankei News(The technique, the place where the abnormal sound is broken due to failure is displayed on the screen with an orange circle)

Measurement of English word vocabulary power(Internet service, a service that you can know the approximate word strength by answering with Yes or No whether you know English words that were taken)

A Japanese translation of heavyweight content "Web standard curriculum" learning Web standards is launched - Publickey(As more and more web and web standards get infiltrated, various vendors will become more active in entering the browser war)

Fan Hanashi: ACCESS, "10 to 15 times faster than now" "NetFront Browser v4.0" under development - ITmedia + D Mobile(Net, targeting the world fastest for embedded)

I found how to install Google Analytics Mobile version | ke-tai.org(A form that embeds a minimal image by using a URL, an img tag by acquiring a URL with a script)

Media · Pub: NY Times, editing staff is cut by 100 people, while recruiting 14 jobs in the digital department(You can see the intention to strengthen the digital division such as newspaper, web designer and system administrator)

arrived! I opened it! - Ceremony of opening "Amazon Kindle 2" ordered from Japan: News - CNET Japan(Publishing, feeling as if the keyboard is attached to the display surface of paperback size)

【Yamada Shohei's Re: config.sys】 New Let's notify the energy savings of user effort(Hardware, it is a report that I actually used and used, so it will be a good reference)

The topic "wings without fan", in fact Toshiba invented it 30 years ago - Slashdot Japan(Hardware, that there was a possibility that featherless fan appeared in Sazae's CM)

Sprinkle bag evolved touchingly - in the head(I realize that the staple food of Japanese is rice again.)

"From theoretical point of view, first let's start with manager = wife's manager": Nikkei Business Online(Food, the husband who is a newcomer of the kitchen should "experience" wife's work "participation degree check 30" is interesting)

Egyptian service attitude, fast food discomfort Egypt Arabic language study abroad blog(Attitudes that are keenly obsessed with chain manuals at chain stores are easier to see and worry than employees who do not have international or manual shops)

A new retort curry house "Mabo curry" New release in the whole country from December 7th(Food, package is normal)

What is your commitment? I tried various kinds of "egg choked rice" - Hatena bookmark news(Surprised by the site dealing with meals, egg choked rice and the bookmark comment on it)

"Katayama Ukyo retirement" No way by bicycle ... - Bicycle Mind of Katayama Kamiyuki: nikkansports.com(Sports, the former Formula One driver also could not overcome his own bad condition)

Hand cutter that cuts double-sided tape with specified length with crisp length - Mobile phone Watch(It is likely to become a powerful ally of stationery and double-sided tape sticking of envelopes)

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Headline news on October 22, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log