Headline news on September 29, 2009

Nikkei BP summarized "(PDF file)Engineer's failure experienceAccording to "89.6% of respondents who responded that they have never failed to make an unforgettable failure". It is only 6.6% who answered "not", so you can see that most people are continuing their work by overcoming the failure.

As a cause of failure, suppressing the lack of knowledge and know-how, "misunderstanding / beliefs" becomes 57.5%, and it is highlighting that the whole will fail again with only a trivial thing.

So, tomorrowSeptember 30. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on September 30th one year ago.

A man who died by eating hot spicy sauce made by himself - GIGAZINE

Canned fish of "Pig's Brains" which seems to be pretty good for the body - GIGAZINE

Part of the body of celebrities preserved after death - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
More people will be erased - New Generation Net (Neo - Generation.NET)(It seems that the death of a person with a high social status has increased considerably since it is after politics, change in power)

Set UTF 8 flag in @ ARGV - Practice of Programming(Perl, a way to express character codes when giving arguments and files from outside)

Building a dual display environment with Ubuntu 9.04 in portrait + landscape with nVidia card - nobu - q diary(IT, it is possible to manually rewrite the setting)

Summarized news: About Taiwanese volunteer recruitment commercials wonderful - livedoor Blog (blog)(Military, I feel like I saw a movie like this recently)

Space sightseeing will be bigger than a very promising market, military youth | people · topics | nikkei BPnet (Science, since it was never before, it is certainly a very promising new market)

Nine workplaces where distinguished people are accomplishing their work(Room, Steve Jobs's simple life is penetrating)

The world of strong magnetic field: 'Levitation of rats' and 'World's strongest MRI device' | WIRED VISION(Science, objects containing water will float in the air if super strong magnetic field is generated)

Image of warranoord-like cool notebook(If you think that it is threads that will introduce nice stationery, story, ... ...)

Game * Spark Research "Trivia of Little Known Game" Results Announcement - Game * Spark(Various trivia including games, backing of series objects and an unknown anecdote of the industry)

Bahamut Lagoon | SQUARE ENIX(Game, Super Nintendo version launched game launched in 1996 with Wii console)

"We are interpreters of Kokko, we keep tweeting news everyday" Mr. jin Mine every day - Enterprise Watch(About netting, continuing tweeting news on Twitter every day on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays)

Google temporarily suspends Gmail accounts misdirected by bank customer information: News - CNET Japan(Internet, if you simply freeze the account, you do not conflict with privacy)

Junkudo · Maruzen · Library Distribution Center Establishes New Company to Integrate Management DNP Establishes New Company - ITmedia News(Economy, contribution to book off and organization of good publishing industry are progressing)

AV actress · Osawa Maria trembling in the plan of appearance Islamic power country, Indonesia 2 pictures International news: AFPBB News(Entertainment, a negative reaction that a person who saw the movie will be bad if he / she examines other appearances)

Things picked up by Aki Higashihara's blog from March to September 2009 | From your palm(There are many things that still survive even though they are picked up on the net, blog)

Radiation measuring device: more than half can not be used, one unit 40 million yen wasted - every day jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Medicine, because it did not keep maintenance, it decreased precision and became useless)

New organized Japanese people suffering from dumping measures Italian tourism minister - MSN Sankei news(International, because the tourism industry was damaged by conspicuous rippling incidents)

Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): I want to see the same name by the same name ... Hirokazu Tanaka. Com - Net / Virus - Digital(Net, will be distributed on the net "Tanaka Hirokazu makes it, songs that Hirokazu Tanaka sings" in the future)

Also on the right wing the movement of exhaust regulation Wave large-scale street cars disappear Walking demo marching movement (1/2 pages) - MSN Sankei News(Social, the pretext that the police caught increases by one and it becomes difficult to use)

"All team fired!" British soccer coach, notice after losing international news: AFPBB News(Although the budget was already exhausted at the time when the international director joined the team, they said that everyone will do things)

Inverse guile against life guidance, middle 3 hitting teacher with bat: society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Education, students stated that they "did it from the front so that they can not win, so they did from behind" etc.)

To create an application that resides on the Android home screen (1/3) - @ IT(How to make simple applications using IT and GUI components)

An example of appealing a company "IT has become an unpaid work in a regular manner" continues | WIRED VISION(IT, machines that can continue working 24 hours must manage human working hours properly only for the partner's job)

Critical Incidents in IT History - Top 10 - 10 Secrets Surviving the IT Industry - ZDNet Japan(IT does not see a dramatic improvement in hardware technology)

News - Animals - Large Mekong River New Species: Frogs with Fangs (Full Article) - National Geographic Official Japanese Site(Will it evolve into living things someday sharp tusk?)

21st century Chinese news Taiwan army deployed huge robot? It is! Claims from the continent to interesting CM(Army, Taiwan · Singapore Army CM)

Japan HP Press Release 13.3-inch wide LCD that can be used as space saving main machine Mobile notebook for corporate customers September 29, 2009(PC, a model specialized in economics)

Honda | MotoGP 6th term "Talk of points"(Motorcycle, Honda explains MotoGP's hard to understand point)

Car Watch F1 Japan GP, ​​the entry machine is landing in Japan(F1, five charter flights arrived at Chubu International Airport, and 90 trucks will be brought to Suzuka Circuit)

Otona Glyco CM Flight Hen Starring: Eita, Oguri Shun | Glico(CM, the fifth bullet of 'Isono family in 25 years', it seems to be difficult).

Minami Shimbun Phase visits AIST "Completion of corrections is difficult to stop" - MSN Sankei News(Science,This robot I took up earlierIt seems to be the impression of seeing)

Hand of robot for handicapped: Ibaraki: Region: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It is said that it will be able to supply at less than half the price of conventional robots made in Europe)

YouTube: Tele Dynasty and TBS Partnership Start of Distribution of News Video - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Started to supply news videos by signing an official partner agreement with TBS TV, TV Asahi)

Urawa Yoshida The photos of the original director of the Sankei are overflowing with malice(Sports, photos of beach volleyball and good photographers of Sankei Shimbun are too amazing)

Inspection of both His Majesty and Silver Human Resources Center "Does nothing hurt your hands" - MSN Sankei News(Society, visited the Toyo Work Center in the district of Koto Ward, Tokyo, and was inspected)

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Headline news on September 28, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log