Headline news on October 13, 2009

Since its first appearance in 2005, it has become popular not only for touring but also for town riding because of its compactness and light exercise performance Italy · Ducati companyDual purposeMotorcycle 'Hyper Motard' series, more improved handlingA new model "Hypermotard 796" will be added from next March, 2010.

It is said that the 803cc air-cooled L twin engine equipped with body and Siemens injection equipped with body height of 169 kg and thorough weight reduction of the frame and engine, improved seatability by lowering seat height by 20 mm, realized a quick ride comfort. Expected tax included price is body color Matt White, Mat Black is 1,500,000 yen, Red is 1.19 million yen.

So, tomorrowOctober 14. On October 14th one year ago GIGAZINE wrote such an article.

The marathon tournament held in London, the winner was a rabbit - GIGAZINE

Movie in which the unmanned supplementary spacecraft is discarded and the trail of light is drawn - GIGAZINE

A Belgian man records the fastest speed in the world as blinded on the Lamborghini Gallardo - GIGAZINE

Today's headline news.
Military critic Mr. Kenji Ebata died: Weekly Object(Military, known for commentary on television at the time of the Gulf War and was the leading expert in leading Japanese military criticism)

The stagnation of the global warming trend in 1945 to 1964 can be explained by a nuclear explosion(Theory that it is because the fine particles were scattered and hindering the sunlight due to the influence of nuclear explosion experiment in the atmosphere due to science and arms race competition)

Apparently about another 20 years, global warming is unlikely to progress: Far Eastern blog(Environment, lastly the rise in temperature of the earth was confirmed in 1998, then it seems that it is entering cold season)

Hiroshima / Nagasaki Olympics? Do you want to pull Obama's legs so much? | Princeton's New Trends America | Columns & Blogs | Newsweek Japan Official Site(Opinion that President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in political and nuclear disarmament declaration, but it is an opinion that it is counterproductive)

News - Environment - Lump of huge mucilage is growing rapidly in the ocean (full article) - National Geographic official Japanese site(Nature, the mucilage of the Mediterranean seems to be considerably dangerous, including bacteria and viruses, including some lethal pathogenic Escherichia coli)

Tama River riverbed ___ 0 Murder, homeless quarrel (1/2) - Society - SANSPO.COM(Society, suspects have stated that "I was excreted near my own hut one week ago and I got angry")

Akihabara weekend We are a junior high school student at a magician shop "White is outstanding so it is useless" - Akiba Blog(Game, the effects of litigation will become suspicious if the stall is so successful)

Illusory ball: I made a pain DS in "Fallout 3" pattern(Will it be acceptable to call this feeling of hard boiled "pain DS" in the game)

You do not stick it to your laptop? : Alfalfa mosaic(Art, self-made stickers using cutting sheets)

Why is the country that comes out in ANIME always Japan, the United States or China? : AskJohn ふ ぁ ん ​​ぐ ぶ(Anime, Japanese anime stages are understood as Japan, but every country is set as a stage)

The ultimate form of "refusing power", Edmund Wilson's refusal | Lifehacking.jp(Life, formats that refuse every wish in advance are prepared)

User data of T-Mobile Sidekick is lost, due to MS subsidiary server failure - News: ITpro(Accident, desperate because Sidekick does not record data on the local terminal)

Start measurement with access analysis! Four points to understand before viewing data 【Knowledge harnessed by recruit access analysis staff】 (1/3): MarkeZine (Marketzine)(Basic knowledge on how to read numbers obtained by net, access analysis)

ASCII.jp: x86 The evolution of the CPU will be found in the roadmap of the extended command | Contemporary processor circumstances(The difference in the development competition of IT and CPU will not only be miniaturized but also development of extended instructions)

The truth of the memory error indicated by Google research - high revealed incidence rate: special report - CNET Japan(IT, memory aging deterioration starts only 10 to 18 months after start of use)

The goal is against the city "Metropolitan Police Baseball Club" Next month birth: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It seems to be an effort as a part of political and human resources securing, but how far will it increase?)

Yamazato Ryota's "magic of combi love" that made Shizuchan Nankai Candies disappear - daily Saizo(Entertainment, mountain pushed Shizu as a stardom as the ultimate complementary character)

Immortality of businessmen: Reason why "spinach" does not work well (1/2) - ITmedia Enterprise(Society, reporting, contact, no consultation is because the leader is not making such an atmosphere)

My cat gotta fuck me forgiveness ... Hey, hey ...: ぁ ゃ ι ぃ (* ゚ ゚) NEWS 2nd(A story, a cat with a terribly troubled face)

Passengers 'inviting black cat', 3 railway to the Savior? : Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Railway, Wakayama RailwayTamaama station manager at Kishi StationWill it be a savior following

Cake Rental.Com(Food, service that rents Haribote's wedding cake)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): President of the harvest gal president Shibuya brought up a girl also Daimei Akita - Society(Culture, "Because the Bekko that stands in front of Shibuya station is Akita dog" and said that he began making rice in Akita)

A staple side dish that thinks that it does not fit with rice indeed - Ranking ranking - goo ranking(Food, if you are told you ... ... side dishes line up)

Is "substitute fish" of revolving sushi incorrect? Behind the food display you want to know: Saiseau women(It is important to have awareness that "food, eventually" there are reasonable wake for "cheap things")

Documentation of Chisso union leader Record of support for victims of Minamata disease - 47 NEWS (Yoana News)(Pollution, pursuing Chisso's social responsibility from inside, materials of labor unions that supported victims are worthy of first grade)

Search for NDC (Japanese Decimal Classification Method) from free keywords NDC Finder - Yes, let's go to the library!(IT, a search engine that searches NDC which is a standard book taxonomy method from keywords related to what you are looking for in search of library)

Improvement of living standards at "Internet cafe": Nikkei business online(It may be useful as a tool as a tool in remote areas where transportation and administration services are not functioning)

Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): "I am in trouble if I do not have a TV" Half age 16 - 24 years old Survey - Culture(It is 49.5% of the whole that is troubled if there is no mass communication, no television and stayed in third place after mobile phone and personal computer)

Job hunting without Rikunabi - Mallory days (Hachi niichi)(It may be better not to rely on the net in terms of social, job hunting or marriage)

Learn a speech to move people's mind from Madonna - shoe-g.com Shosui Uemi Brifty Blog(Conversation, you should make a speech manuscript while calculating how words are conveyed to your opponent)

10 pitfalls lurking in speech and presentation - and how to avoid it - 10 secrets surviving the IT industry - ZDNet Japan(Conversation, I do not know what will happen Disciples for speech production)

Please read ten pages only. Please do not forget to give up this book if you get tired of ten pages. - Information Studies Passion For The Future(Culture, title which can be seen through prosperity as a professional of artist Shiro Endo)

The 1st Akihabara AR (Augmented reality) Tagguo holding report - Keep Crazy; shi 3 z's diary(Event, various problems seems to be found, but everyone seems to be having fun)

Han appeared like a gang of Sega followers who gathered all kinds of dream cast games: Hachima draft(Does human being have time to play such games, games?)

Please introduce the best answers you can choose from. On occasion, Hatena Search Hatena shows surprisingly high quality answers. Those who think you are the best from such a name answer .. - Human power search Hatena(Internet, only answers that make you think that there are more things you do not know)

Venture president and engineer: About our company entry examination (1)(Education, examination good or bad is not enough to judge whether the answer is correct or not)

3D structure of the human genome is "fractal like rolled noodles" | WIRED VISION(Science seems to be a mechanism that can accumulate genetic information with extremely high density)

Financial diary: An explanation that can be understood by ape saying that absolutely Japan will not go bankrupt no matter how much the government of Japan is in debt(Economy, international is like stocks of the country and basically it does not fundamentally go bankrupt for this reason alone)

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Headline news on October 9, 2009 - GIGAZINE

in Headline, Posted by darkhorse_log