"Fire bird" with a wing width of 11 meters has appeared at the "Kyoto International Manga Museum" and has explored museums all over the place

There is a manga museum that has collected about 300,000 manga materials from the Meiji era called "Kyoto International Manga Museum" in Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City. Here, as a representative object of the museum, the giant sculpture of "fire bird" by Buddhist hands was completed and the unveiling ceremony was held on Tuesday, September 22. The statue is a huge one with a wing width of 11 m and a height of 4.5 m. Brilliant colors and detailed shaping like "bird of fire" attract attention.

Details are as below.
Kyoto International Manga Museum

The location of the Kyoto International Manga Museum is about 2 minutes on foot from Karasuma Oikei Station on Kyoto Municipal Subway, Karasuma Ward Ikegami Le (Nakagyo Ward, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City) Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City.

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The building looks like a school, because it is based on an elementary school that is no longer used due to consolidation.

A big curtain was prepared somewhat in the hall on the first floor. A bird of fire is behind this ...!

First the unveiling ceremony was held.

Kyoto Mayor and others concerned.

First of allKadokawa DaisakuGreetings from Mayor of Kyoto.

At the end of the guest's greetingsKyoto Seika UniversityA manga artist who is the manga department managerKeiko TakemiyaAppeared. When "Fire Birds" was serialized, Takemiya serially posted "To the Earth ..." and he heard that he was competing with Tezuka-san for the delay of the deadline limit.

This is Mitsuaki Sudo, a Buddhist who produced this object. Although he had never read "Fire Bird", he seems to have expanded the image of the fire bird flapping in the universe as a whole, with this as a machine.

Mr. Sudo's two sons helped with the production.

And 4 assistants. It seems to have experienced from 10 years, 8 years, 6 years, 3 years from the left person, respectively.

After the ceremony, preparation for unveiling will be advanced.

People who have strings and wait.

Mayor Kadokawa is headed.

The curtain fell quickly, and a bird of fire appeared.

As Suto says, "I did not show up in the work much, but the presence is great," as you said, it is a magical statue that does not seem to be intimidating though it is huge. Wing width 11 m, height 4.5 m, weight 500 kg.

The material is red pine.Same as Buddha image productionThe technique of "parquet building" · "big ball" is used.

In manga, the feathers that had the power to cure just by stroking the bad part of the body are vividly reproduced.

It is more beautiful to see from the passage part on the second floor than to look up from below.

It is selling that the object can be seen from Karasuma street, but this day it is too blind to see it well.

In front of the building Mr. Sudo, a Buddhist teacher, was surrounded by a coverage.

By the way, the museum is built in the former site of Longpke elementary school which is no longer used due to the declining birthrate.

Therefore, the building itself has a very tranquil air.

It was crowded with parents and children on this day, but was children running around in the past?

The back side of the building still left the atmosphere that seems to be used as a school as it is now.

Long before the elementary school was built, there seemed to be a noble residence called Nijo - ji after the Heian period.

Admission to the museum is 500 yen for adults, 300 yen for middle and high school students, and 100 yen for primary school students. Since many comics can be viewed freely, it is never a high setting.

As the museum seems like a museum, there is a collection material research exhibition space in the basement, and many materials are exhibited.

This magazine is old as well. However, you can not browse.

The research reading room is an advance reservation system, and you can browse valuable materials etc. that are stored in a closed-type library. It is very helpful for those studying manga history etc.

I came round around the hall and returned to "Fire bird", but still a lot of people ....

Incidentally, until October 1st (Thursday), "Beauty girl figures original daughter Baume's world" was exhibited in the main gallery on the second floor Baume work.

Although there was a notice to the effect that elementary school students and the following alone can not enter, I think that a lot of substitutes that children are not allowed to enter in the first place.

in Coverage,   Manga,   Art,   Posted by logc_nt