Scary music is more scary when closing your eyes and listening

Horror movies and scary games such as visuals and frozen spirit music fold up the feeling of fear, but it is actually obvious that the scary music feels more scary when listening closing his eyes became. This research is expected to be useful for treatment of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Was it a contrary effect to close my eyes with scary scenes while watching horror movies?

Details are as below.Scary Music Is Scarier With Your Eyes Shut

Research has revealed that acts of voluntarily closing eyes while listening to music cause more intense reactions to the brain than listening to music in dark places. This discovery seems to be expected to lead to the treatment of brain diseases. This study by Professor Talma Hendler (neuroscientist / psychiatrist) of the Tel Aviv University Brain Function Center was conducted in 2007Cerebral CortexBased on her research published in the magazine,PLoS ONEIt was announced in the magazine.

The results of the study show that when a person closes their eyes the brainAmygdalaI am excited about it. The act of listening to scary music is thereby a more intense experience both emotionally and physically. Conversely, it seems that happy fun music may bring a more luscious experience by closing your eyes and listening.

Hendler says that the music heard closing his eyes seems to be transmitted on a direct route to the part of the brain responsible for emotion. "Music is an abstract emotional career that makes it easy to manipulate the subjective personal experience of a person (feelings aware of experiences.) However, our present discovery is that the effect of music is aware It showed that it is not only the part that can be done.FMRIIt was confirmed that the brain's change by music is more prominent when I was not using my eyes. "

Professor Hendler 's postdoctoral postdoctor, Dr. Yulia Lerner, asked 15 healthy subjects to listen to the creepy music used for Hitchcock's movies, listen to the neutral sound without melody, open their eyes I repeated it twice with the state and closed eyes. Meanwhile, when observing brain activity with fMRI, the peak of the activity of the brain when subjects were listening to scary music occurred when the eyes were closed. This result was consistent with the feedback from the subject that the feeling when the eyes were closed was felt greatly inspired by the music.

The activity of the amygdala, which is responsible for emotion in the brain, seems to be remarkably active when the subject closes her eyes. "Closing your eyes when you face an emotional stimulus may help people overcome various mental conditions.Synchronization of the neurotransmission in the brain occurs when the eyes are closed.This is why , I do not know exactly how it will happen, but when closing my eyes the brain can better integrate the height of emotional experience, "Dr. Lerner said.

Music brings balance to the brain, making it easier to integrate emotion and cognition. Music seems to help thinking and increase learning ability. "That's why it seems better to wait a little while allowing the child to listen to hip-hop at a loud volume while studying, so further research is needed," he warns.

"This study is the first to observe what is going on in the brain under these circumstances with noninvasive (not inserting the device inside the body)," Professor Hendler said. Somewhat bodily behavior may fundamentally influence emotional balance and quality. Somewhat before, American teachers have discovered that learning is more efficient in the standing state than in sitting. Professor Hendler pointed out that the research results using this scary music is "an example that a slight operation on a person's physical condition, such as opening and closing an eye, can change our spiritual experience I will not do it. "

Researchers are hoping that this discovery can be applied to more sustainable and highly effective non-drug therapies. Although this time's discovery is just a phase of touching physical connections and emotional activities in the brain, in the future music therapy can ease the symptoms of mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease etc. Professor Hendler thinks that there is plenty of potential to become like.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log