
Needless to say, everybody should once have thought of banging and flipping a table away in the end of worthless, stressful conversation. Japanese game vendor Taito brought this machine, "Chou Chabudai Gaeshi!(lit. Super Table-Flipping!)" for you to practice for the day to come.
The machine features a durable chabudai, a tea table combined with precise physics engine to emulate what will exactly happen when you actually show the feeling of anger. Of course you can enjoy this as a true entertainment, like measuring how far you can fly rice bowls on the table, or how much the total amount of suffering will be.
Ok, now read on for actual game play video.
uper Table-Flipping! | Taito Co.
Taito Co.|Official Page|47th Amusement Machine Show
Instruction. You can halt people's movement on banging a table. When the best opportunity comes, flip the table with your maximum anger.

Look at that people shuddering with their tantrum!

The machine weights 250kg(about 551lbs.) Heavy enough to face furious banging and flipping.

The game play. Some audience got really serious during the game.

Four stages available for now. "Living Room", "Wedding", "Host clubs" and "Office"

Choose whichever situation. Each of them has irritating people you will merrily want to blast off.

"Wedding" stage, where groomless bride is bottling up frustration.


Theme song "Let's throw out life"

Here's the actual video. Fear his anger!
YouTube - Super Table-Flipping! 02
He looked rather calm, but after calculating playtime per coin, his anger burned up.
YouTube - Super Table-Flipping! 01
The machine will be available in next spring. Hope the machines won't be destroyed.
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