"Underwater Star Mine" movies spreading on the water surface cleanly in the 21st Naniwa Yodogawa fireworks display
This "underwater star mine" is to let the same ball as the fireworks to be launched in the sky float on the water surface and open on the spot. Half of the star disappears to the bottom of the invisible river, and it is common in the water fireworks display system.Opening fireworksYaDynamic finale's fireworks "Kamenro chrysanthemum"And there is another wonder in a different meaning.
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The 21st Naniwa Yodogawa fireworks display "Underwater Star Mine"
To half in water.
It does not mean I will be launching into the sky but it will rupture in front of my eyes, so will not you fly here? Level.
I continued to shoot even further.
· Continued
About 20,000 fireworks movies in various places in 21st Naniwa Yodogawa fireworks display
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