Sony Announced 2TB "Memory Stick XC", countering SDXC memory card

In prior article, We reported that Toshiba is to release world's first SDXC, the next generation SD memory card. Counteracting this movement, Sony revealed their "Memory Stick XC". It has maximum 2TB capacity, as same as its competitor.

Read on for detail.

Memory Stick XC series | Memory Stick

According to "One Stop Site For Formats" standardizing Memory Stick format, Sony has drew up "Memory Stick XC" format.

Adopting exFAT file system, "Memory Stick XC" realized 2TB capacity, 60 times larger than existing Memory Stick PRO format.

These will be equipped with access control feature and "Magic Gate" technology to protect copyright. It will be provided in two sizes, "Duo" and "Micro", and in two grade.

The spec of "Memory Stick XC duo" and "Memory Stick XC Micro". Theoretically it's as fast as 160Mbps, and capable of 2TB in maximum.

"Memory Stick XC-HG Duo" and "Memory Stick XC-HG Micro". "HG" is the faster version of Memory Stick series, which has 480Mbps speed.

It's just standardized and there has been no announcement on commercialization yet.

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in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log