Greenhouse Launches SSD for notebook PCs with the industry's highest speed and long life

As an alternative to shock-sensitive HDDs, recording media using flash memory that is starting to be mounted on mobile laptop computers "SSD"The industry's fastest model has appeared.

In addition to reading, the writing speed is also the highest in the industry, and at the same time it has realized a long life.

Details are as follows.
Read speed 130MB / s, the industry's fastest "silicon disk" new release!

According to this release, the Green House will introduce a high-speed 2.5-inch SSD "GH-SSD * -2SP" series of high-speed models enabling simultaneous access of up to 4 channels using a special structure with multiple controllers for flash control in early June It seems to be released more.

The "GH-SSD * -2 SP" series realizes the industry's highest reading speed of 130 MB per second and the writing speed of 67 MB per second, and it is said that models of 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB will be prepared.

At the same time, we are also planning to launch the high cost-performance "GH-SSD * -2MP" series with a wide lineup from 16 GB to 128 GB, this speed is 120 MB per second and the writing speed is 20 MB per second.

Besides realizing long life by employing original write leveling technology, MTBF (average failure interval) is 1,300,000 hours.

BeforeHigh-speed model 3.5 inch SSD reviewed at GIGAZINEAlthough the reading speed was 100 MB per second and the writing speed was 80 MB per second, it may be incredible to have such performance despite its smaller size.

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log