I found "Magicon's automatic vending machine" in Osaka's electric shop district Nihonbashi

You can play downloaded copy software on Nintendo DSIn February of this year the Tokyo District Court ruled on several vendors importing and selling equipment called "Majikon" an injunction sales suspension based on the Unfair Competition Prevention ActHowever, still in the electric shop street etc.Guerilla saleIt is the current situation that there are no contractors doing.

And finally in a certain place in Nihonbashi, Osaka's electric shops town "Magicon's vending machineIt was revealed that it appeared.

Details are as below.
A signboard that I saw on the street of Nihonbashi. "This product is not illegal. Please discontinue waste of reporting tax etc."Is written in a sentence.

30 minutes walking around Nihonbashi, I found a vending machine of Majikon at some place.

In addition to having rows of marqueons altogether, there are also "tomongs" at random items.

It seems to divert vending machines for cigarettes.

If it is a cigarette-size one, it is said that you can sell outsourcing. "Of course, illegal products can not be accepted ^ ^!That thing.

A kind of magicone that slips in truly.

Incidentally, at Nihonbashi once illegal copy software and pirated DVD etc were on sale on the streets, but now they disappear and it seems that Majikon is being sold on the street instead. In other words, is that Majikon has become a good income source for such a dealer ...?

in Coverage,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log