My son is easy to be born to a wealthy mother, and it is easy for my daughter to be born in poverty?

According to a survey, the ratio of neonates to men and women is biased by whether mothers are rich or not, and it seems that mothers who live better are more likely to give babies.

When asked, "The wealthy areBirth divisionThere seems to be a point of view that seems to have come to mind like 75% of the poor, which is reflected in the health condition of the pregnant womanRepublic of RwandaIt seems that it is thought that there is a biological basis because of the survey result in.

Details are as below.Why richer mothers have more sons | Mail Online

Biology LettersThe hypothesis published in the magazine says, "If the economic situation / living environment are well-healthy children are expected, it is better for a mother to have a son than her daughter to leave the gene until the next generation (grandchild generation) It is what you say. A strong and healthy boy wins the competition with rivals and potentially has the potential to make hundreds of children.

Conversely, if your mother is sick or malnourished, having a son is disadvantageous for telling the next generation of genes. A weak and unhealthy boy is even at risk of surviving to the age of having children and is unlikely to win the competition and leave offspring in the future. In this case it is more reasonable to have a girl who can become pregnant without winning a tough competition.

Researchers in the Netherlands used databases of more than 95,000 women with Rwandan children who were compiled in 2002 to investigate how the mother's economic situation / health condition affects birth sex ratio, We compared the number of men and women who gave birth to spouse relationships which are indicators of economic situation / health condition.

There is a strict hierarchy among women in polygamy Rwanda. The higher wives have greater power and income than the lower wives, the more wives in a household, the less wealth and food you share. As expected, researchers report in Biology Letters magazine that, in polygamy marriage, lower wives have higher daughters than upper wives.

The most notable difference is that 99 girls per 100 boys are born from a monogamous married mother, whereas a male who is a wife of 3rd or lower in polygamy is a male 100 There are 106 girls per human being born.

Women can not choose the gender of the child born, but in some studies it is suggested that female fetuses are stronger than male fetuses and are difficult to miscarry. If the mother is in a state of poverty that is easy to miscarriage due to illness or stress, this may also affect the ratio of men and women.

In countries like Rwanda where 75% of the population are poor and the average life expectancy is only 50 years, the impact of economic conditions on the ratio of children to men and women is said to be stronger than in developed countries.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log