Pizza Launch New Item "Roast Chicken · Tamago · Bacon's Club House Pizza" Tasty Review

"Roast chicken · egg · bacon clubhouse pizza" and "melting cheese and roast ham ~ use of Hokkaido aged Gouda ~" appeared from Pizza. Until June 28th (Sun) I decided to order because there is a campaign saying "Negget Mix or Soft Drink comes with" Early Summer's Great Deal Set ". Although I feel a long time to order with Pizza, what kind of pizza is the new product really?

Review from below.
PIZZA - LA - No.1 Delivery Pizza!

Forty-five minutes after ordering, a pizza of hokoka arrived.

"Roast chicken · egg · bacon clubhouse pizza" on the left side, "melting cheese and roast ham ~ Hokkaido aged Gouda use" ~ on the right side.

Clubhouse pizza part. The combination of mayonnaise and egg is standard because it is familiar with sandwiches and others, but the chicken taste appearing on the way there does not get bored. In addition, the taste of cheese is sticking to the whole, making it a rich flavor.

"Melted cheese and roast ham". Rose ham sandwiched between cheese is delicious. Surprisingly the taste of this ham is firm and remains in the impression. However, it is regrettable that there is a bias on the whole as a whole, and there is a part where there is little ham.

Looking from the side like this. There is little unevenness, and a gentle large plain spreads. It is easy to eat, but I am glad that you are riding a dossier so that you can see the topping ... ....

"We had a great deal to choose from early summer", so the nugget mix came with it.

Two kinds of tomato ketchup and mustard when opened.

3 pizza nuggets and 5 roasted potatoes. Both nuggets and potatoes are a classic taste, so it may be safe to put someone who wants a side menu.

in Tasting, Posted by logc_nt