Sharp's boasting LCD TV brand "Kameyama model" to disappear

"AQUOS" liquid crystal television adopting the panel produced at the Kameyama plant where Sharp is located in Mie prefecture is called "Kameyama model"Although it says to sell it, it became clear that the" Kameyama model "will disappear.

"It became a brand"Kameyama model" realizes the degree of recognition that Sharp is proud of, but in the future it seems to be replaced by new brands.

Details are as below.
Sharp: Kameyama No. 2 also moved abroad Domestic production is consolidated at the Sakai factory - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)

According to the Mainichi Shimbun news report, Sharp's president Mikio Katayama is producing a liquid crystal panel for television "Kameyama-shi, Mie Prefecture"Kameyama No. 2 factoryIt is said that the company has revealed a policy to relocate production facilities in the future to overseas.

Sharp sticks to domestic production and has sold the liquid crystal television produced at the Kameyama Plant as the "Kameyama model" but already "Kameyama No. 1 factory"We are clarifying the policy of transferring production equipment to China, and in Japan we are planning to consolidate production at the Sakai factory (Sakai city, Osaka Prefecture), which will operate production of state-of-the-art models in October.

This is due to the global recession and appreciation of the yen due to Sharp's consolidated performance for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009 falling to the first operating deficit and the final (current term) deficit since the listing of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in 1956, In order to avoid the influence of, etc., we are switching to a policy to produce liquid crystal panels etc. locally in large consuming areas such as China, and we are transferring production facilities to a factory operated by a joint venture company with Chinese home electronics manufacturers.

Although Kameyama Plant is expected to survive as a television assembly factory, although the production of liquid crystal panels will be transferred overseas, regarding employees engaged in panel production at the Kameyama Plant, we will move to the Sakai factory in order It is said to go. In other words, will the "Kameyama model" be replaced by the "Sakai model" in the future?

By the way, Sharp expected to promote employment and increase tax revenue in establishing the Kameyama PlantI received a subsidy of 13.5 billion yen from Mie prefecture and Kameyama cityHowever, I am concerned about the response of the municipality concerning the complete shift of the production base to the Sakai factory.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log