Various drink tasting reviews such as tea and sports drink with motif of Sengoku BASARA motif

As beforeReview of Sengoku BASARA's Dorayaki "Vasa Dora" and "BASARA 饂飩"We delivered, but this time it is a drink edition. At the end of 2007Canned drink featuring Sengoku warlordsThree types of Date Masamune, Katakura Kojiro, and Sanada Yukimura were on sale, but it seems they had become six kinds if you noticed.

Review from below.
Date Masamune Date, Koju Katakura, Yukimura Sanada from the upper left. From the left bottom Keiji Maeda, former parent of Chosuke Ekabe, Mouri Motonari.

I poured it into a glass. Everyone is a different kind of drink.

"Oshu ranki" Date Masamune is a sports drink.

"This taste is not Date, you see?"

It is a strange incongruity taste that seems to add a little saltiness to Aquarius. Although he is the protagonist of Sengoku BASARA, this is a bit ... ....

Next is "Nintendo Yoshiro" Koju Katakura.

"Oolong tea, it is said to be delicious for Date," and that is oolong tea.

Ordinary oolong tea. It is an ordinary good that is not particularly excellent compared with suntory oolong tea or not inferior.

"Tenpa Dance Spear" Sanada Yukimura, Cassis & Orange Drink.

"This fruit juice, I will not reach you on the wind"

A combination like cassis and orange cocktail. Although it is a bit sour, it is easy to drink without habit.

"Gorgeous and spectacular" Keiji Maeda, pine apple juice 20%.

"One step in pushing both love and pine!"

Taste like using only the sweet part of pineapple. It is refreshing without sour taste.

"Tenran no sewing" Primary parent of Chosuke Okabe, 20% of grape juice.

"What do you do, you drink more?"

It is ordinary grape juice.

At the end is "Genius Soshimi" Mouri Motonari.

Green tea is that "This tea, dedicated to sunrise".

It was an orthodox green tea like a "ote tea" without bitterness.

It is a good place to buy a drink of your favorite character, but only the sports drink of Masamune Date is a bit distinctive taste, so please take care of the fans.

in Tasting,   Game, Posted by logc_nt