Is the date on which the position of television and the Internet changes closely?

The number of users who use the Internet for a long time mainly around the young people is increasing, but it is revealed by a survey conducted by Microsoft in Europe that the television and the position may be reversed as soon as they continue to increase .

Does the same thing happen in Japan?

Details are as follows.
European internet consumption to overtake TV in 14 months - Media News - Brand Republic

According to this article, Microsoft said in June 2010 that it announced the survey result that the viewing time of the Internet could catch up with the viewing time of the Internet and it might reverse.

This was revealed in a study conducted in Italy, France, Spain, Germany, UK, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Finland, Norway Turkey, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Greece, 2010 In the year, it is expected that the TV viewing time per week will be 11.5 hours, while Internet browsing time is expected to be 14.2 hours.

The background that is anticipated to cause such a reversal is that young people 18 to 24 today are often using personal computers as the only screen for watching TV programs and that 7 It is mentioned that one person does not watch TV at all and that the Internet population in Europe in Europe has increased by 27% compared to 2004, reaching approximately 50% of the total.

By the way, it seems that the Internet browsing time per week in Europe in 2008 is about 9 hours, but will the growth at a high pace as expected by Microsoft still continue? Also, in Japan where the contact time with the TV corresponds to 10 times the contact time with the personal computer, in order to capture the TV user"TV version Yahoo! JAPAN" starts service etc., It seems that the advantage of television still continues, but I am wondering when the turning point will come.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log