By type, a way to get along well with a demon-like boss

There seems to be something that human beings do not match with everyone, but if that is the boss of their company, various problems may occur.

So, if your boss was a devilish type of person, how do you deal with it so that you can work quietly? It is summarized what to do with coping method by type.

Details are as follows.
Dealing With A Hell Boss - Men's Fitness

· Boss like a demon soon getting excited

Even a small thing will be quickly getting fuzzy, it is a type of boss who is exaggerated. It is a boss who will yell at a subordinate who can not act according to expectations, but he seems to be unable to deal with this type as follows.

1. Trying to quench your anger
2. Trying excuses or justifications about your actions

And the correct solution is "Calm down your mind and wait for your boss to returnIt is said that it is.

· The demon-like boss whose attitude changes suddenly

It is a type of boss whose attitude changes suddenly without any premonition. The sudden change in attitude suddenly rage against his subordinates with even a smile, and the following things must not be done to a type of boss who insults.

1. Showing a gap to your boss
2. To be fooled by attractive behaviors that occasionally show

Also, the correct solution is "Respond carefully to your boss's behavior"To observe what triggers a sudden change in the boss's attitudeThat thing.

· Devil-like boss acting in an arrogant manner

It is an arrogant boss who sprinkles authority and drops the grade of the workplace. It is a high-ranking boss who constantly talks about how great he is, but he seems to be dealing with such a way as there is a chief of the day concerning such behaviors.

1. To try to dominate
2. Fighting at the same level and fighting

By the way, the best way to cope with such boss is "To thruIt seems to be. Such a boss grows by attracting attention, so it is said that it will be degassed when it is thru.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log