"Tales of Vesperia" ported to PS3 with a New Character, and a Movie Adaption officially announced

Tales of Vesperia, the latest title in the popular "Tales of" series released last August for Xbox360 was rated number one in a customer satisfaction survey(Jp), and it was the sole Xbox360 title to make the top 100 best-selling games of 2008. Today it became official that this successful game will be ported to PS3, with a new playable character named Patty Fruel.
Plus, the movie adaption of the series is officially announced.
Read on for details and pics.
Our source is the 19th issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, out today.

The new title "Tales of VS" for PSP, "Tales of Graces" for Wii and PS3 port of "Tales of Vesperia" were announced on page 120 - 121.

The new playable character Patty Fruel is an explorer after the treasures of notorious pirate Aifreed. She's a sucker for a beautiful face.

Patty speaks in a distinctive manner, punctuating the end of sentences with "ja" which suits elderly people (but scarcely used in real life, mind you) and her weapons are knife and handgun. A feature anime film by Production I.G is also stated here.

The new features for PS3 looks quite engaging. I wonder would they be available for Xbox360 as well via downloading or something? Surely Xbox360 players must yearn to play Patty, won't they?
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