Art with finished fossilized old game machines such as NES controller

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There are things that make fun of the old model like 'fossil like' with evolving gaming machines and household appliances, but art that makes it actually fossil like is made.

Details are as below.
Christopher Locke's Heartless Machine - Modern Fossils

Christopher Locke produced art. It seems that it mimics the real fossil restoration technique and pours concrete into the mold.

"Dominaludus nintendicus". It seems to have occurred in Japan and expanded rapidly overseas.

"Dexteludicrum repuerasco". It is a seed that came out around 1989 and has properties similar to Dominaldus.

"Ludustatarium temperosony". It is similar to Dominaldas · Nintendiks, but it has a more developed shape.

Besides games, there were also nostalgic appliances. This is a cassette tape fossil.

"Ambulephebus sonysymphonia". Walkman's fossil.

Floppy. There are a lot of things in the 1990's, but it seems that things in the mid 1980s are rare.

"Bombus colaphus". It seems there was a function similar to Umbrevas · Sony Symphonia.

"Egosiliqua malusymphonicus". A species that triggered extinction of Umbrev bath.

in Note,   Game, Posted by darkhorse_log