Let's bake a pancake mathematically by "Pancake's theorem"

Today in Christianity "Shrove Tuesday" (in French speakingMardi Gras, Tuesday before Ash Wednesday), it is also called "Pancake Tuesday" in UK, Ireland and Australia, and it seems that there is a habit of eating pancakes. It seems that there are a lot of people saying that it is not easy to leave the pancakes, what shape, baked colors, and texture to finish with the deep inner part.

So mathematician Dr. Ruth Fairclough announced "Perfect Pancake Official". That formula is

100 - [10 L - 7 F + C (k - C) + T (m - T)] / (S - E)

How can we apply this and bake the pancakes? Details are as below.The perfect pancake? Easy, just follow this formula ... 100 - [10L - 7F + C (k - C) + T (m - T)] / (S - E) | Mail Online

Dr. Ruth Fairclough is 34 years old who teaches mathematics and statistics at Wolverhampton University. She is also a mother with two daughters and has led this formula to deliciously bake the pancakes which are my favorites of my daughters.

100 - [10 L - 7 F + C (k - C) + T (m - T)] / (S - E)

In this formula, k and m are constants, and L · F · C · T · S · E are variables, and the elements that they represent are as follows.

K:Ideal consistency of pancake dough (Nikkatsu: nature resisting deformation of a very viscous liquid, highly viscous so that it does not flow when bowl containing seeds is tilted)

M:Ideal temperature of frying pan

L:Number of fabric clumps

F:Successfulness of "return"

C:Dough consistency

T:The temperature of the frying pan

S:Time when the dough was laid before baking

E:Time from baking to eating

Applying these to the above formulas, the closer the calculation result is to 100, the more delicious pancakes can be made. "The temperature of the correct frying pan is more important than anything, if we start to smoke lightly from the oil, we start baking the dough," Dr. Fairclough said. Next, the consistency of the dough is important, and when you loose it does not make pancakes, but it is said that you can not have a dam. It seems to be important to eat the dough for 20 minutes before baking, and to eat while it is hot.

in Note,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log