Disposal of low-priced mini notebooks started, prices fell at a stretch

ASUS's "EeePC"And Acer's"Aspire OneAlthough the low-priced laptop computer including the start of the market has been sweeping the market since last year, apparently stock disposal started mainly on some models.

As a result, the price drops since the beginning of this month are particularly noticeable.

Details of the price move graph are as follows.
SSD-based 8.9-inch netbooks seeing sharp price drops

According to this article, overseas it seems that 8.9 inch model low-priced laptops with SSDs are being sold markedly for inventory disposal.

The reason for price cuts is that low price mini-notebooks with 160 GB HDDs are popular and SSD's high cost has been shunned by users, and 8 GB SSDs not being released in Japan are installed in Japan "Aspire One" is sold at T $ 6999 (about 19,000 yen), and "Eee PC" with 20 GB SSD is also sold at T $ 8999 (about 24,500 yen) about.

In Japan, low-price mini-notes of 8.9-inch models have been falling one after another since February.

"160 GB HDD mounted on"Aspire OneThe lowest price as of 12:00 on February 24 is 30,870 yen. Average prices are steadily decreasing since entering February.
Price .com - ACER Aspire one AOA 150 - Bw 1 price change history

"16 GB SSD loaded"EeePC 900The lowest price as of 12:00 on February 24 is 31,580 yen. Average prices have gradually declined since late January.
Price .com - ASUS Eee PC 900-X (Shiny White) Price change history

NEC's low price mini note "LaVie LightThe lowest price as of 12:00 on February 24 is 37,485 yen. Again average price has gradually declined. Is there still pressure due to the price cut of Taiwanese makers?
Price .com - NEC LaVie Light BL100 / RA PC-BL100RA Price variation history

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log