Headline news on February 17, 2009
MrMAX of the total discount store started from late MarchSell 32-inch digital high-vision LCD TV at 49,780 yenThat's right. This was realized by reducing the cost of members and assembly with the appreciation of the yen appreciating, and it corresponds to three digital broadcast waves on the ground, BS, 110 degrees CS. Alreadyonline shopEarlier reservations started at noon today.
So, tomorrowFebruary 18. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on February 18th one year ago.
■"Brightness illusions" where you can experience the illusion of brightness - GIGAZINE
■Misunderstood as "abnormal sexual desire university", Kinki University examines change of English notation - GIGAZINE
■GIGAZINE Editing department's building is renovated all processes · destruction edits - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■Nakagawa Hello hero ... this is awful! Champon of liquor and cold(Note, even if you drink alcohol at the same time the effect appears more strongly)
■Popular Chinese bloggers, seriously stabbed by someone | spillover of the world | Reuters(Note, blogs were closed once by the authorities)
■Seven & i HD and NEC to establish a new company, collaborate on net sales | Reuters(To study the possibility of distribution notes using notes, the Internet)
■A misprint of stamps In the other hand ... Founding Declaration with "Tateyama Commonwealth" Net: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(In response to being misprinted as "Federation", "Federation" as a memo)
■Toshiba agrees to acquire Fujitsu HDD business: Fujitsu(Note, Toshiba firmly holds the top share in HDD market of 2.5 inches or less)
■Internet prepares Japan for white space elimination - latest news: IT-PLUS(Note, it is necessary to make effective use of available frequency band even in Japan)
■WILLCOM, the next generation PHS to jointly develop partnership terminals with China major - latest news: IT-PLUS(Keeping device price low by joint development with mobile and Chinese manufacturers)
■F speed VIP (· ω ·) y - ~ Google Maps too weird wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(Internet service, cross the Pacific with a kayak !?)
■With the development of blog culture "depression" became a product(Memo, someone who attempted to attract attention by blogging on being blind oneself)
■Shizuoka Airport: Only JAL Fukuoka flights Boarding rate guarantee All Nippon Airways protests to the prefecture today / Shizuoka - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Note, protest against attempts to pay support for the number of lacking seats when the boarding rate drops below 70%)
■Current affairs dot com: Lincoln is the best = former President Bush is the lowest group - the American historian evaluation(Memo, the 15th president who could not avoid the Civil War at the bottom)
■Various measures against pollen allergy "Moe system" also (1 / 3page) - MSN Sankei News(Note, the season of hay fever finally arrived, what about the preventive goods?
■Sogo Shinsaibashi head office, to sell in the latter half of 30 billion yen range - MSN Sankei News(Note, adjusted in the direction to sell against the adjacent Daimaru)
■Saitama Univ .: Teacher's Egg Course of the Heart Graduation Graduation Where to Start Suicide - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Measures in response to the increasing number of teachers being forced to take leave due to mental illness)
■JR Kyushu: Resurrection Bollet "Sakura" "Akatsuki" - Everyday jp (Mainichi Shimbun)(Note, director's attitude such as wearing the uniform in the JNR period)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Amazon, erased book review author Mr. Mizumura "doubt fairness" - shopping(Net service, the reason why Amazon.co.jp deleted customer review is unknown)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Black hair wolf hybridization progressing gene if in dog? - Science(Note, did the hybridization of dogs and wolves proceed more than expected?
■"Non-pollen cedar" mass production, Toyama Forestry Research Institute develops technology: Environment: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(It may be good news for people with hay fever)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Nitori, with 300 items cut at 182 stores nationwide - Business(Reduce notes, furniture and carpets by 20% on average)
■Male 17 years old also 400 mm donated blood OK, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare to relax age standards: Science: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Memo, for the first time in 10 years to review blood sampling standards)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): worm-eating shopping district · garbage dumping ... former president's ground ruins evasion incident - society(Memo, the property which was left without being grounded is also an obstacle to redevelopment)
■To the public announcement of suicide data every month ... National Police Agency: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Note, because precaution care suited to the actual situation is necessary for suicide prevention)
■"Shake Rice" To prevent fraud, a boxed lunch, with a bonito fake: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Note, a boxed lunch calling for not being deceived by a transfer fraud)
■LG and Intel collaborate on smartphone development with "Moorestown" chip: Mobile Channel - CNET Japan(Mobile, Intel architecture introduced to smartphone)
■"Vista" enterprise which popular "Windows 7" stops introduction - MS warns of upgrade skip: special report - CNET Japan(Warning about software compatibility problems, etc., which arise when upgrading software, Windows XP to Windows 7)
■Obtaining a radio experiment license from the LTE system | SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp.(Mobile, SoftBank Mobile also started full-scale operation toward practical application of LTE)
■"SOX 01" made by Sony Ericsson passes JATE - ITmedia + D Mobile(It is presumed that it is a special model from mobile, model number)
■BBDP-10 | Blue Dot Co., Ltd. [Product information](Inexpensive thin type Blu-ray player which can also play movies of hardware, USB memory)
■Blu-ray Disc player launched
■Domestic voice communications in FY 2007 totaled 4,237 million hours, down 2.1% from the previous year(Note, statistics by Skype etc. are not statistic)
■Australia Telstra Announces "The World's Fastest" Mobile Broadband Service(Mobile, communication speed up to 42 Mbps during this year)
■2 Channels Official Summary Site "Copipe Channel" opened(Net service, reward for reporters too)
■Skype 2.5 for Windows Mobile(Skype for mobile that improved mobile, sound quality etc)
· Previous headline news
Headline news on February 16, 2009 - GIGAZINE
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