Headline news on March 6, 2009
Pet food majorAISIA CorporationFrom 1st April 2009We will release a cat food "Chef" born with the concept "delicious deliciously spoiled". Terrine type · rough loosening type are released in total of 6 kinds of "Tuna with bonito", "Tuna and Salmon", "Tuna and white fish" three tastes.
So, next MondayMarch 9. GIGAZINE wrote such an article on March 9th one year ago.
■"Superbrawl Smash Bros. X" Trophy for the winner of the fighting team is highly disreputed - GIGAZINE
■Published an image of "Sombrero Galaxy" where NASA became clearer - GIGAZINE
■Russian beaches with graffiti and garbage, very garbage - GIGAZINE
Today's headline news.
■CeBIT 2009: "New generation" seen by device manager Aspire one - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, also equipped with Intel's N280 processor)
■Kingston, says "for netbook" DDR2 SO - DIMM memory - ITmedia + D PC USER(Hardware, is the price for netbooks?)
■Mr. Taro Matsumura's Nomad Business: Blossoms with Eva App iPhone Business (1/2) - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile, background of Eva app development for fans to grin)
■Micro solution, earphone adopted metal housing - AV Watch(Adopt the same high hardness material as hardware, wind instrument)
■Exe mode, 19-inch digital broadcasting LCD TV at 29,800 yen - AV Watch(Hardware, terrestrial digital broadcast compatible television that cuts down 30,000 yen)
■Sun radio, USB connected type radio tuner sticking to reception performance(Improved reception sensitivity of hardware and AM radio)
■IPhone application "KANJI GENERATOR" to select kanji by feeling(Mobile, application for iPhone to transmit Japanese culture)
■Ozawa representative's vs prosecution "Battle declaration" is Kakuei preparation? Critique column | nikkei BPnet
■Pachinko strategy law "No effect", Full order to return to information company: Society: YOMIURI ONLINE (Yomiuri Shimbun)(Information, the Osaka District Court certified "There is no effect on the strategy law, advertisements are contrary to facts, illegal solicitation")
■@nifty: Daily portal Z: 100 yen a day, at the station Kirakiri(Food, 500 yen will be paid at the cash register and exchanged with 5 exclusive medals and you can experience 5 cups of chicken wine)
■【2ch】 New speed quality: Scud missile appeared on Dragon Quest 9! But the attack power is so(Game, Monster called "Gama Cannon" releases from big mouth)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): boron drug + neutron, cancer aiming to practical use such as Kyoto University - Science(Medical, a method called "boron neutron capture therapy")
■Unification of rights distribution processing work of music distribution, JASRAC etc. establish a third party organization(Copyrights, user groups and right-holder groups jointly create such third-party institutions is the "world's first attempt")
■Amazon, Establishing a new distribution center in Sakai City, Osaka Prefecture - Creating about 100 jobs | Management | MY COMIC Journal(On the same day, delivery on the same day to Osaka in August)
■Tokyo Newspaper: Nissan to accept side jobs on holidays Automobile major first since this month: Economy (TOKYO Web)(Restrict the working hours so as not to hurt society, health condition and work)
■Tokyo Newspaper: Elegant Queen enters Yokohama Queen Mary 2: Society (TOKYO Web)(Image, total length 345 meters is about 80 meters above battleship Yamato)
■Arrested eight members of the Rampant Runaway "Ruin Right" - Social news: nikkansports.com(Society, it is likely to be read as a dragon)
■Bird flu: Inappropriate display at 225 shops Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery removal guidance - Everyday jp (Mainichi Newspaper)(Society, even if you eat eggs it will not infect)
■Gendai net: Scary trap of 'KIMEOMO' site(Etymology, it seems to be a companion who pays illegal drugs together)
■Current affairs dot com: M · Jackson is a comeback concert in London = English press coverage(Scheduled to be the first full-scale concert since 2005 when he was judged innocent at entertainment, child abuse case)
■Graduate School of Beatles Masters Degree (Society) - Sponichi Annex News(International, "Beatles, Popular Music and Master of Sociology" degree)
■A way to reach the point of selflessness in about 20 seconds(You can suppress emotional anxiety if mental, stopping thinking with acid burning in the brain)
■· Democratic Party officials succumbed to the death of stakeholders ~ Ozawa Democratic Party scary things happening in this country ~ | Truth in Asia(Politics, accidental or huge conspiracy?)
■"Business conversation by roles" to make it at a glance: "Masu as merely dismissed" "Long-term labor is a consideration" - 10 misunderstandings the boss falls - ITmedia Biz.ID(Society, we should consider the evaluation criteria of subordinates so as not to let out excellent talent)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Shimbun): Discovered 200 suspicious articles Discovery Plagiarism Detection Program Development - Science(The international gap, the gap of comment from who stole plagiarism is funny)
■Coloring ○ ○ ○ in a girl's body "Kimo E! Crazy!(Game, using the stylus to do "discipline" of girls in the Makai world very badly AVG)
■Toshio Tamogami official website(Politics, official website of former Air Self Defense Force staff director who submitted a big topic)
■Business Media Makoto: Thinking about the tomorrow of publishing & newspaper business: Reason why the article of weekly magazine becomes "lamb dog meat" (1/3)(There is a big problem in "division of labor system" where publishing, people picking up the story and articles making people are separate)
■Economic crisis of the former communist zone: signs of infection JBpress (Japan Business Press)(Economy, Japan's reconstruction is exactly miraculous well understood)
■@nifty: Daily Portal Z: Image that the brain is going to be suddenly(Image, image of the thing which is often seen in mountain hem)
■Asahi.com (Asahi Newspaper): Is this a man's grooming? Mori Kanpe turns into a necktie - Society(It can be wrapped around the neck like a real necktie with fashion, rubber straps)
■Business Media Makoto: I asked sommeliers in Japan the best! Tips to distinguish high wines (1/2)(Food, if the origin and the ingredients are the same for both, it seems that the wine of a dark color is high)
■Nude body? face? You can judge personality in the AV where you look! Is it? : Society: ZAKZAK(To stare at the face more than the naked body of an AV actress as a person of social, masculine personality)
■(8 th) Interview is the interview - The interview - Effective in the final phase "expected number of times" (1) | Job Hunting Success series | Investment · economic · business oriental economy online(It is important to presume the number of interview of the company in advance using job search, employment quarterly report)
■Beatles sound games, simultaneous release on September 9th worldwide - ITmedia News(game,The base is reversed right and leftWill not it become a real mode to become become)
■The man who made the page maker - @ IT own strategic research institute(Software, footprints of men who made masterpiece DTP software "pagemaker")
■Everyday YOUGI: The first bullet is "One Magical Index of Efforts" - "1/24 Pain Decal" anyone Become a Owner Owner! - ITmedia + D Games(A memo, a decal where every plam becomes a painful car)
■Spring sales start, DoCoMo and Softbank increase net worth 100,000 - February subscriptions - ITmedia + D Mobile(Mobile, SoftBank's 22nd consecutive net increase top)
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Headline news on March 5, 2009 - GIGAZINE
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