Does WILLCOM change the next generation PHS strategy, use NTT docomo line

Although WILLCOM 's next generation PHS "WILLCOM CORE" scheduled to start service this year, it became clear that it might switch strategies.

Apparently there seems to be a financial issue in the background.

Details are as follows.
〔話題株〕 米カーライル[CYL.UL]がウィルコムの増資計画を撤回、ドコモ<9437.T>の回線使用で投資抑制 | マネーニュース | 最新経済ニュース | Reuters

According to this article, it is clear that Carlisle of the American fund investing in WILLCOM will convert to a strategy to use NTT DoCoMo line in order to suppress capital investment after withdrawing the plan to increase the capital for WILLCOM It seems to have become.

This is because we were unable to raise funds for issuing new shares to sponsors to introduce the next-generation PHS, and for the time being, we switched to a policy to significantly restrain capital expenditure by using NTT DoCoMo network Thing.

As with WILLCOM, KDDI system UQ communication allocated 2.5 GHz frequency band from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and CommunicationsTo start the mobile WiMAX service "UQ WiMAX" from February 26Although it is clarified, what about WILLCOM 's next - generation PHS?

Unlike other companies, we have introduced the micro cell system which arranges the base stations finely, so there are merits of the next generation PHS in places where the communication speed is difficult to decrease even in densely populated areas, but I am concerned about future deployment.

in Note,   Mobile, Posted by darkhorse_log