2nd Season of "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" starting from this April

You fans must have been long waiting for this flashing news. Yes, the 2nd Season of "Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi" is going to be on road from this April, revealed on the TV ad of Japanese anime mag Newtype March issue.
Details and images follows.
(Japanese)2nd season of "Suzumiyha Haruhi" Comiii━(゚∀゚)━iing? - Golden Times(; ・`д・´)<
(Japanese)【2ch】Daily thread guide : 2nd season of Haruhi on April, Nagato on the cover of Newtype March issue

This is the cover of the Newtype mag appeared on the TV ad. The big orange headline on the right says "Haruhi on startup" and the small yellow letters over the headline says "TV anime airing starts on April + Closeup to staffs and stories".
The first season of Haruhi was aired from Apr. to July of 2006, which was three years ago. The official announcement of the 2nd season was made on the end of 2007. Let's hope that this long blank gave Kyoto Animation enough time for their preparation for the 2nd season.
Also The official spinout comedy anime "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya-chan" and "Nyoro~n Churuya-san" is announced to starton youtube's KADOKAWA ANIME CHANNEL.
There will be a lot to talk about for anime fans all over the world this merry year. Wait for further reports.
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in Anime, Posted by darkhorse_log