"Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" in the monthly boy's ace series, "Animation with Nyoroen Chuya-san"
"Monthly Shonen AceAccording to the October issue, it seems that the animation of "Suzumiya Haruhi no Melanment" (written by Puyo, original: Tanigawa style, Character draft: Ito Noisichi) which is currently serialized at the monthly boy's ace is supposed to be animated. The form is not TV animation, YouTube'sKadokawa Anime ChannelIt will be free delivery at.
In addition, "Nyoroan Chuya-san" (work: え っ と) was also animated at the same time.
Details are as below.
Monthly boy Ace October issue released August 26. The cover page is "Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" decided to animate.
This is a key visual.
Notice on "Nyorroung Churaya san" animation. Author'sWetchedHe is currentlyCompace"Lucky ☆ Star" in the series "Boobooo Kaguru" is serializing.
Information was also posted about "Turmoil of Suzumiya Haruhi" released on Wii and games scheduled to be released at Nintendo DS.
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