Anime "Makakomi · WA ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0

TV anime broadcast from October 2008 "Makakomi · WA ___ ___ 0"Is a video distribution site"Bandai Channel"It became clear that it will be delivered free of charge. Distribution starts from December 5, suddenly the first talk to the fifth episode are delivered in bulk. People in the area who are not broadcasting the program in the first place, those who have given up watching to see the counterprograms may be the chance this catches up.

Details are as below.
BANDAICHANNEL - Bandai Channel

"Makanemi · WA ___ ___ 0" is currently anime broadcasting with 5 UHF stations including Tibate TV, TV Kanagawa and TV Aichi, AT - X. The original is a light novel published in Famitsu Bunko "Majoshan, Akagi Mimi" (work: Sakakiichiro, picture: BLADE), as the 10th anniversary commemoration project of Famutoshi Bunko "Frenzied family diaryFollowing the animation was made.

On Bandai Channel, free distribution of the first talk to the fifth story of "Makakomi · WA っ ち ょ!" Began from 12 o'clock on December 5. Delivery will be done until December 12 11:59 the following week. After that, one episode will be updated one by one at 12 o'clock on Friday. Although the main broadcast will reach the final round at the end of December, it is ant to watch this in the period.

in Web Service,   Anime, Posted by logc_nt