After twenty years of hard work, finally the new generation display "SED" reached productization

Canon started research and development in 1986, co-developing with Toshiba since 1999, the production of the next generation display "SED (Surface-conduction Electron-emitter Display)" was aiming at mass production turn out in time of Beijing Olympic Games in 2008.

Though Toshiba withdrew from the joint development agreement following a patent related lawsuit, finally it seems to become a commercial reality.

(Japanese)Don't you want to make "the next generation" display with us? SED incorporated company (Canon group businesses)

According to this employment opportunities page, "SED Inc.", a subsidiary wholly owned by Canon which does the development and production of the next generation display "SED" is recruiting employees for manufacturing SED.

The work is described as operation of manufacturing equipment in cleanrooms, with three shifts day and night.

When exactly the mass production will start or the sales date of SED is not yet revealed.

SED is expected to be the next generation display which can achieve thinness and larger screen. Consumers must wait anxiously about the price and the screen size.

in Note,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log