"Hybrid Medical Animation" in which movies reproducing the state of the body with super high image animation can be seen
A movie that is faithfully reproduced with high image quality animation, such as organs and cells in the body, treatment methods using the latest technology, and so on. The detail which is not usually seen such as the movement of fine heart, the flow of erythrocytes, the place where the medicine is absorbed in the body is expressed in detail, and there is quite a look.
High-quality animation can be played from the following. First of all, a demonstration movie
A movie reproducing the movement of the heart. Move the slider below to the right, the heart will become transparent.
A state of endovascular treatment.
You can refer to other movies and images from the following.
Hybrid Medical Animation
It is likely that this website will be enough for school teaching materials.
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in Video, Posted by darkhorse_log