Holographic stereoscopic Terminator's head poster

It is a poster that can be three-dimensionalized in full color using the so-called holographic three-dimensional technology. Because it moves properly three-dimensionally according to the viewing angle, the difference between the normal poster and the clouds. This poster of the terminator is a so-called demonstration, and you can order your own original three-dimensional holographic poster.

Let's start with a movie of the head poster of the terminator which was three-dimensionalized with this holography. It is more vibrant than I imagined.
XYZ RGB Inc. Full Color Holograms (Restricted)

It changes properly according to the viewing angle. Other examples are as follows.

Final Fantasy

Soccer Player

Actually, how much price can be calculated on this page.

Full Color Holograms - XYZ Imaging

There are also such things using the same technology.

Zebra Imaging

An actual example looks like this.


It seems to be effective when used for advertisement promotion.

in Note,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log