Sony and Toshiba also enter the low price note market, or already negotiate with parts manufacturers

It is cheap and easy to use "EeePC 901"And others showed unprecedented sales,Fujitsu is the first domestic manufacturer to enter the low price laptop marketWe talked about the other day, but it seems that major domestic manufacturers such as Sony and Toshiba are also considering entry.

We are negotiating with part manufacturers already, and it may be possible to appear at the end of the year.

Details are as follows.
TechConnect Magazine - Foxconn said to have received netbook orders from Sony

According to this article, Sony said that she asked Taiwanese manufacturer "Foxconn" to undertake the production of electronic equipment, to manufacture OEM (production by counterpart brand) of low price laptop computer for the year-end sale.

Although the specification is unknown, it is speculated that it will adopt a platform using 8.9 to 10 inches of liquid crystal and 1.6 GHz Atom processor like EeePC 901 and others.

By the way, "Foxconn" which is said to have undergone production,According to WikipediaAs the company that undertakes the production of electronic equipment, it is the largest in the world, we are supplying OEM to parts such as DELL, HP, Apple etc and also consign manufacturing of game machines from Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft It is said that they are also producing iPods and iPhones. This is a terrible company.

According to the following article, the manufacturer who negotiated was not only Sony but also Japanese companies of Toshiba and other companies.

Sony and others: negotiate with Taiwan OEM companies, advance into mini laptop market | I T | ChinaPress

Although it is unknown which model will actually be released from which manufacturer, it seems that choices of low price laptops are likely to increase significantly in the time of the Christmas shopping season.

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log