Microsoft will start automatic updating of Windows XP SP3 shortly

Publication was started on Windows Update in MayIt's Microsoft's Windows XP SP3, but it is finally starting automatic update.

We also disclose workarounds for users who want to avoid introduction due to unavoidable circumstances.

Details are as follows.
Nick MacKechnie: Windows XP Service Pack 3 Release to Automatic Updates

According to Microsoft's official blog, Microsoft said it intends to distribute Windows XP SP3 as automatic update. Although the specific time is not disclosed, it is said that "shortly".

For the unavoidable circumstances, if you want to prevent SP3 from being applied by automatic update, there is a method of downloading "Windows Service Pack Blocker Kit" from Microsoft download center and installing it.

By the way, when installing Windows XP SP3,IE 7 can not be uninstalledAlso watch out for caution.

in Software,   Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log