Practically it is extremely small enough to be unbearable at first

Pencils, doors, syringes, etc. Practical applications are various pictures of extremely small objects that can not be tolerated. There are things that are very small and cute, and there are things that are too small to be lost quickly, but you can understand that things have objects of appropriate size.

Details are as below.
Magnifying glass that may be smaller than insects

The mark sheet mark appears to be huge

It seems tough to play with this

This dish is too small to worry about losing it when washing it.

Doors that seem to easily break down

With this floating wheel, I think that it is impossible to help people first

Basically, the part of the needle is the same?

I'm going to eat every cup

It seems very difficult to use

Here are a lot more pictures
Bekijk Extra Small op

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log