At last the world population will exceed 6,666,666,666 people

To the contrary to Japan that has declined population declining due to the declining birthrate, the population continues to increase explosively worldwide, but soon the global population will surpass 6,666,666,666 people.

"666The number "New Testament"John Revelation"It is said to be" the number of the beast ", and the movie"Omen"It seems to have a special meaning in the West, such as being a demonic figure, but is there anything related to it?

Details are as below.
World POPClock Projection

According to the page that counts the world population created by the US Census Bureau, on 1 May 2008 the world population is expected to be 6,664,73 7085, and on June 1 of the following month 66 It is said that it reaches 7,275,541 people.

In other words, it seems that the moment the global population reaches 6,666,666,666 in the first half of May, will this future population increase continue in the future?

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log